5 Natural Beauty Tips Every Girl Must Be Aware About

The beauty industry would have you believe that their products, and their products alone, can bring you eternal youth and everlasting beauty. Well, they would, wouldn`t they? The beauty industry is worth an estimated $300 billion! But, it hasn`t always been that way. In years gone by, the girls knew that there were better, more natural, more effective, yet inexpensive ways to achieve the same results, as the expensive products that you use today. Read our 5 natural beauty tips and fixes that the beauty industry would rather wish you didn`t know about:

Knee and Elbow care

To soften up those rough patches on your elbows and knees, cut an orange in half and rub in. It will exfoliate and invigorate your skin, and nature even made it the right shape for the job.


No need to sit in the sun for hours or to buy expensive tanning lotions. Just mix a little cocoa powder with some skin cream for a natural and inexpensive bronzed look to your skin.

Wrinkle Treatent

You can exercise your face just like you exercise any other part of your body. There is a whole range of different exercises for your face, but we strongly recommend that you do them in private, as some of the faces that you have to pull are quite strange!

Here are some of the facial exercises: stick your tongue out as far as you can and hold it this way for 5 seconds, repeat 3 times; try moving your nose from one side to the other, do it for about 10 seconds, repeat couple of times; lightly press your 4 fingers down on your cheeks and smile as hard as possible, raising your cheek muscles against your fingers, it will help strengthen and lift your cheek muscles.

Hair Care

Get a natural shine to your hair by mixing in your blender a mashed up banana with one egg, add 2-3 tablespoons of coconut oil and massage it into your wet hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes and then wash your hair as you usually would. Your hair will be nourished and shiny!

Face Mask

If you have dry skin, mash up a ripe avocado (optional: add a teaspoon of avocado oil) and use it as a face mask to rejuvenate and nourish your skin. If your skin is oily try mixing one tablespoon of white clay with water, add 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt and use it as a clarifying mask. Apply for 10 minutes, then rinse. For normal skin: mix plain yogurt with an oatmeal (with already soft oatmeal), apply on your face for 10 minutes and rinse, this mask will add softness and glow to your face.
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