25 tips For Life long Married Life…..

A Marriage in India is not only a bonding between two individuals but also between two families of the boy and the girl.

Following tips need to observed for lifelong married life:

1    Try to be a good person and a friend to your spouse.
2    Do not let your ego spoil your marriage.
3    Have trust, mutual respect and understanding for each other.
4    Be honest & open.
5    Remember your love is the corner store of your marriage. Develop strong bonding  between you. Children increase bonding of parents.
6    Keep romance alive in your daily life.
7    Good satisfying sex with adequate foreplay, coveted intimacy and faithfulness is a paramount importance.
8    Communicate with each other well, politely, lovingly without fear or reservation and adequately.
9    Listen to your spouse attentively even when you are busy.
10   Do not force your opinion or views on your spouse.
11   Find and give quality time to your life partner.
12   Give Priority to your spouse in everything.
13   Find ways for variety, Change, entertainment and recreation.
14   Do not try to change your spouse. Accept him or her as they are.
15   Do not verbally, physically or mentally abuse your life partner.
16   Be Forgiving.
17   Praise, appreciate and pamper your spouse liberally.
18   Do not take your partner as granted and casually.
19   Resolve conflicts and differences by adjustment, cooperation and compromise.
20   Do not find faults, blame, criticize, or speak ill of your spouse or allow others to do so, ignore irritants.
21   Know and understand the nature, habits, weaknesses, strong points, shortcomings, likes and dislikes of your spouse.
22   Give space to your partner. Let her have her ways in the work schedule and methods.
23   Avoid arguments, heated and unnecessary discussions. Do not keep pressing your point which may annoy your spouse. Settle differences amicably. Control your     anger.
24   Do not be miserly. Keep your spouse informed about money matters.
25   Nurture your marriage & Be Happy Always.

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