Valentines Special- The Crush Story

From teenage longings from a far to grown-up co worker entanglements, to that one celebrity or icon whose posters plastered our walls (maybe they still do, but no one's judging), crushes lead us from adolescence to adulthood. The crush has evolved alongside society. It's not always about the unattainable Baywatch bombshell, anymore; these days, robotics experts, entrepreneurs, and comedians are making headlines and hearts flutter. These ladies are diverse, and they're crushing whatever it is they set their minds to. We like to play on words around here. Screen savers are replacing posters, hilarious tweets are creating connections, and models no longer have to conform to outdated or impossible beauty standards to find commercial success.

There is a mix of infatuation and idealization, but it is superficial. Usually, once they starting knowing the person better, the idealization fades and the crush ends.But the romantic crush can develop into love because attraction is one of the stepping stones for love; it has an interactive basis while a crush is normally fleeting and occurs from a distance. Romantic crushes can also fade away when the person we encounter isn't who we thought they'd be.
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