5 Effective Feng Shui Tips For Growth in Business

Feng shui is about the placement of objects to balance the flow of energy so that you can be your most productive and prosperous. Here's what you need to know about using feng shui in your business. Come take a journey into the fascinating world of “wind and water.” Learn to use the flow of energy called chi to improve yourself and your business. Declutter your desk and your mind with a practice that has been declared beneficial for over three thousand years. Let feng shui’s universal truths bring a beautiful balance into your work life.

* Create a Strong Front Door

Creating a strong front door is important because your house needs it in order to be able to attract wealth chi. The front door is called the Mouth of Chi in feng shui, and its strength and auspicious energy are important to a good feng shui house. Protect your front door, if necessary, with feng shui symbols of protection, abundance, and good luck.

* Clear Clutter From Your Home

Keep your home and business free of unnecessary clutter. A cluttered space can neither attract, nor keep, the energy of wealth. It can be overwhelming to get rid of everything, so you may want to write out all the things you use and don't use in a notebook. You can also take breaks or dedicate just 30 minutes a day to removing clutter.

* Prepare Your Money Area

Locate your feng shui money area and take very good care of it. Typically, this is your home office where you manage finances and other work. You will want to include elements like wood, which represent money and wealth. The color blue and pictures of rivers, lakes, and oceans represent water, which nourishes the wood. You can also use mirrors, plants, and small icons that symbolize prosperity.

* Display Symbols of Wealth

Display feng shui symbols in your home that speak to you about wealth and abundance. You can use classical symbols, such as the wealth ship, or your own representation of wealth energy. An obvious color to go with is gold, which represents a strong money correlation. Another color of wealth is purple. You can use these pigments in paintings, pillows, rugs, and other objects around your home and office.

* Use the Fish Symbol

Decorate your home or office with a feng shui aquarium to attract wealth chi. This is a fun and lively way to add beauty and wealth to your personal areas and workspaces. You can also use feng shui symbols and images of specific fish to bring a sense of wealth to your environment. Consider using images of art in the bedroom, a fish clock in the kitchen, or a fish shower curtain in the bathroom, for instance.
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