5 Feng Shui Tips To Help You Grow Your Business

Fortunately, with feng shui, you can use the principles of this ancient technique to help you draw more clients to you, create a harmonious business that attracts business, and builds a financial foundation for your life that gives you more control, greater freedom and feeling of personal achievement.

But how can you put feng shui to work as an entrepreneur? I’ve put together a list of 5 ways that feng shui can help generate more flow – and that means more success and more sales for you.

* Put money first

When it comes to your business, money should always come first. Why? Well, because you’re in business. Emails can wait, filing can wait, but money can’t.

Write your bills every Monday and every day ask yourself if the activities you’re doing are money-generating. Busy doesn’t always equal financially productive – so do those things that are and delegate the busy work to someone else.

* Water is wealth

Make sure you are surrounded by financial energy and that energy’s element is water. Keep a clear, running and full fountain in your office to help keep you relaxed and stimulate business opportunities. North, the business opportunity sector, is also the direction associated with water. Adding metal here will also stimulate water energy – and that stimulates business and money from your business.

* Have a vision

What is your symbol of success? If you want to be the world’s best cookbook writer, then wrap some cookbooks in a cover with your name on it. Seeing is believing. Find a symbol that is meaningful for you and keep it where you can prominently see it while you work. Pick a symbol, any symbol and keep it in front of you.

* Feng shui your website

Yes, feng shui can even be applied to bytes and pixels! I often see businesses that have websites whose colors conflict, such as red and silver, green and beige, or green and yellow. These are color combinations that fatigue visitors – meaning the website is less sticky and more likely to be abandoned and with fewer repeat visitors.

* Open communication

Sales depend on making it as easy as possible for the customer to reach you. Get yourself a 1-800 number, a fax number, and a land-line if you’re in business. Interestingly, when I moved from a cell phone as my primary business phone and got all the other lines installed, I began receiving many more calls. Think of it this way: no talk, no sales; more talk, more sales!
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