5 Vastu Tips For Children To Focus Better

The modern world has so many distractions, from TV to cell phones, tablets and gaming systems the choices are endless. Parents have a tough time trying to get their kids to settle down and focus on their studies. With these simple and proven Vastu tips, you might just be able to help your children focus better.

* The study room should preferably be in the North or North-East section of your home.

* The study table should be placed in the East or North in the study room.

* Although you might think facing a blank wall will help to improve concentration, Vastu suggests otherwise. Try hanging up a few motivational posters on the wall, the paint colour should be light and tranquil. Facing a window is also not advisable as no direct beams should fall on the desk.

* Windows are best placed on the East, North or West walls. The door should be placed in the North-East, North, East or West.

* Make sure the room is well lit and if needed you can place a lamp on the South-East side of the study table.
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