Computer Placed in Children Room Can effect their development, Learn How to Place Computer

Computers are used as an educational tool by students and as a main tool by work from home professionals. Before deciding on the right design of the computer table and the best suited direction, it is important to understand the individual usage of the computer.

1. The best recommended direction for the placement of a personal computer is the South-east corner.

2. The computer table must always be clutter free and devoid of any unwanted papers or other equipment.

3. The use of crystal sets is recommended on the computer table to allow increase in concentration and enhanced learning for students.

4. Any home or home office desk with a computer must never be placed along a common wall with a toilet on the other side. Since computer is an electronic device with electromagnetic workforce, any association with the energy of water element can be counterproductive.

5. The placement of the computer of a glass top table is not recommended as per the laws of Vastu Shastra. The table must not have round edges or very sharp corners.
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