5 Vastu Tips To Follow For Money Plant To Attract Money

Money plant is one the most used plant at homes. It helps to attract your financial health. But you have to make sure you take care of it right. We’ll cover some tips below on how to use and take care of it in this post.

* South-east Direction

A Vastu Shastra tip for money plants is that they should be located in the south-eastern corner of your home. This helps in attracting prosperity and keeping negative energy away.

* Water

A dry and withering money plant will bring you bad luck and misfortune. And by misfortune, we mean bad financial health. Make sure its leaves stay in good health and don’t dry or wither. Don’t let the plant touch the floor. You can prune and cut its stems and leaves if they wither away or dry up but make sure to maintain it well.

* East-west Direction

Keeping your money plant in the east-west direction is said to invite troubles into the house. If you’re married, this could lead to arguments and messy moments so make sure the money plant doesn’t face in this direction.

* Grow it Indoors

A money plant works best when it grows indoors. Keep it away from direct sunlight and grow it in a pot or glass bottle.

* North Entrance

Keeping your money plant at the north entrance is said to invite new sources of income and multiple career opportunities. It will also bring you good luck.
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