7 Vastu Tips To Have Good Luck

Vastu plays an important role in the happiness and wealth of our life. If we incorporate vastu tips in our daily routine then one can maintain peace, love and wealth in the house. Hand in hand, people get rid off their bad luck and welcome good luck.

* While sleeping, try to place your head in the direction that when you wake up your head is in direction of the North- East . This makes Lord Kuber happy.

* To reduce the effects of Vastu dosha in your house, one should offer water in a Copper vessel to the rising Sun.

* While cooking chapattis, take out the first one for cow and the last one for the dog, this will help in reducing the ill effects of Vastu Dosha.

* Take water in a vessel and keep in the temple while you finish your worshiping. After that, sprinkle that water at every corner of the house. This build positive energy.

* Do not keep dry flowers at home. They bring in negativity. One should flow them in to water after they dry up.

* One should eat in the North direction to stay away from stress and illness.

* Eating meals in your bed or in the bedroom spreads negativity and slow progress. One should eat in the kitchen only.
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