How a Pets can Bring Good luck

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened," goes a saying. According to the Hindu Puranas, there are certain animals that bring good luck, prosperity, wealth and any kind of good fortune. Even Vastu supports this idea that keeping animals at home can change the energy of that place.

Many believe nurturing animal is a good thing, many have a completely different view. Many time people just associate things/events with their Pets.

While taking care of pet is a good thing, it is important to understand their specific need otherwise you may end up with an unhappy pet.

Ideally, Dogs and Cows (even Buffaloes) if kept in NorthWest, North, East, and South-SouthEast, they remain more cheerful, healthy and well-behaved. If they were in NorthEast, East-SouthEast, South-SouthWest, they were continuously ill, irritated and had short life. Apart from these pets, if you have pets like Parrot and Pigeon at your home, ideally, they should be placed in the same direction as that of Cows and Dogs only. Then they remain healthy and active throughout their life time.

In Chinese culture, Feng-Shui recommends having Fish aquarium at the entrance to attract prosperity.
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