Know The Behavior of People Born on 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th


People who have 1 as their ruling number are also number one in their field. Hence, they make great leaders. Driven, forceful, confrontational, and often divisive, they can be troublemakers like no other. However, they always push forward and only go ahead. They are bold, hold themselves in high esteem, are hardworking, persevering, trustworthy and of course, honest! They make friends easily and are popular among their peers. They are often admired for their abilities, actions, and qualities.

Personal Relationships

Your leadership skills reflect in your personal relationships as well. You are either the eldest sibling or carry the responsibilities of the firstborn. You are strong-headed, which sometimes leads to them becoming stubborn. As a lover, you are trustworthy and loyal Romance is something you are good at, and love to shower your partner with gifts In return, however, all you ask for is ultimate loyalty. Lying is unacceptable to you.


People with 1 and 7 as their birth number (born on the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 19th and 25th of any month).

Suitable Careers

Advertising, Films, Television and Theatre, Interior decoration, Foreign Trade, Surgery, Fashion and Jewellery designing.
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