Tips To Get Rid of Debt According To Your Sunsign

Humans want to live with happiness all the time of their life, but the glory of time can not be said of how long the time has been shown. Sometimes a time comes when people fall in debt and tense their life. It is most important for him to get rid of that debt. To get rid of this debt, the person also needs to do some astrological measures with hard work. Therefore, today we are going to tell you about the astrological measures to be done for debt relief, knowing that you can also get rid of debt. So let us know about those measures according to those rules.

* Aries

Worship the green Ganesh ji. Offer dowry to them daily in the morning.

* Taurus

Offer pink flowers to Mother Lakshmi. Share the Mishri on Friday.

* Gemini

Try keeping a fast on Tuesday. On Tuesday, wash the feet of Hanuman ji.

* Cancer

Try to be more and more saint. Donate bananas on Thursday.

* Lion

Burn the mustard oil lamp under the peepal on Saturday. Hold an iron ring.

* Virgo

Offer water to Shiva by mixing it with sesame seeds. Donate sweet things on Saturday.

* Tula

Please read Vishnu Sahastranama on Thursday. Let's wear yellow clothes on this day.

* Scorpio

Offer Tulsi Dal to Hanuman ji on Tuesday. On Wednesday, the animal feed the animal.

* Sagittarius

Worship God Vishnu and mother Lakshmi in the morning. Share the white dessert in the girls on Friday.

* Capricorn

Rituals of Ganeshji regularly, offer green cardamom to Ganesha on Wednesday.

* Aquarius

Offer Ganga Jal on Shivalinga on Monday. Put a little uncomfortable in the white napkin, in your place of worship.

* Pisces

Offer water to the sun daily regularly. On Sunday, feed cow and bread to the cow.
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