Vastu Do's and Dont's To Follow For Pregnancy

Motherhood marks a new beginning in the life of a couple and is, without doubt, the best gift that God has given to women. The pregnancy of a married woman is celebrated by each and every family member, friend, and colleague and also by distant relatives.

What to Avoid

# If a couple sleeps in NE bedroom, then the lady won’t be able to conceive a child; even if she conceives, the “water” element of NE won’t allow adequate heat to reach the fetus, resulting in miscarriage or abortion.

# Once a lady conceives a child, she must not stay in SE bedroom as too much amount of heat of SE corner either leads to miscarriage or premature birth.

# Make sure that there’s no staircase or anything heavy at the center of home as it leads to various complications in pregnancy.

# Never allow a pregnant woman to stay in dark, always make sure that there’s light around her.

# Don’t allow a pregnant lady to see anything depressing such as a gloomy or miserable movie, TV show etc.

# A pregnant lady must avoid wearing dark and drab colored clothes such as black, dark red etc.

# Never ever hurt feelings of a pregnant woman.

# Avoid paintings that depict negative feelings and moods such as war, violence, cruelty, grief etc.

# Avoid keeping bonsai and thorny plants in home.

# Never allow the pregnant lady to use a bathroom under a staircase or beam. In fact as per vastu shastra for toilets you must not have any bathroom under a staircase or beam.

# A pregnant woman must never sleep under a beam.

# Avoid – or minimize the use of – all electronic gadgets such as cell phones, TV, tablets, laptops etc. as they emit huge amounts of heat and electromagnetic radiation that leads to miscarriage.

What to Follow

# A married couple may sleep in the SE bedroom of a home, but as soon as the lady becomes pregnant, the couple must move to SW bedroom.

# An unmarried girl can occupy the NW bedroom in a home; this will make sure that she gets married at the best possible age and hence has better chances of enjoying motherhood at appropriate age.

# A pregnant woman must watch motivational movies, read good books and magazines etc.

# Wear light and cheerful colored clothes such as light blue, green, yellow, white etc. basically something bright and attractive.

# Hang paintings that are pleasant to mind and eyes such as a beautiful scenery or an awesome landscape.

# A pregnant lady must meditate during morning in NE room as beneficial UV rays are abundant in NE during morning time.

# Always keep fresh flowers and positive atmosphere at home.
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