10 Steps To Give Yourself a Face Massage

If you’ve ever treated yourself to a facial, you’d be familiar with the remarkable natural skin glow that follows. What if we told you that there’s a way to get that youthful and radiant facial glow without spending on facial treatments? We’re talking about a lesser talked about skincare practice of face massage.

Did you know that our face consists of a total of 42 facial muscles? A face massage is an exercise for those muscles. How exercise benefits our body in numerous ways, a face massage also helps us by relaxing the facial muscles and boosting blood circulation.

# Wash your face with a gentle soap or a Face cleanser. Make sure your clean hands and your equipment are clean.

# Choose a face serum or oil that suits your skin type. Before choosing, make sure you do a patch test on your hand to check if you have any allergic reaction to the oil or serum.

# Apply the oil or a serum gently over your face. Tap all over your face with your fingers to activate your facial muscles. You can even gently press each region of your face.

# Now, use your index and middle finger to move in a circular motion from your forehead to your temples to your cheek.

# Gently roll under your eye from inward motion to outwards and similarly upward near your eyebrows.

# Using your finger apply mild pressure from your chin towards your cheekbone muscle in an upward motion.

# For lymphatic drainage, you can start massaging from below your earlobe, going in a downward motion following your neck to your collarbone.

# You can also massage the acupressure points located on your face to feel more relaxed, reduce anxiety, improve sleep, and get sinus relief. You can find these acupressure points at -

- the center of your forehead,
- between your eyebrow,
- sides of your forehead near your temples,
- at the front of the tragus ( front side of the opening of the ear) of the ear,
- under the ear lobe,
- between your nose and upper lip region at the center,
- under your eyes,
- in the groove where your nostril connects your face.

# You can gently tap each of these pressure points five to ten times.

# Make sure you massage in a unidirectional motion, and you can repeat each step 3-5 times

You can easily incorporate this in your morning, evening, or bedtime skin care routine just for about 5- 10 min to feel more relaxed and calm.

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