12 Common Ingredients That Will Stop Greying of Hair

Almost all of us will experience having grey hair as we age. This can make some people feel uncomfortable about their appearance, especially if their hair turns grey at a young age.

While many commercially produced hair dyes will help to cover grey hairs, not all of them will. Many of them also contain chemicals which could damage your hair and affect its strength and health.

Thankfully there are a number of natural home remedies to help bring some color back to your hair and lift your appearance. Many of these remedies have been around for centuries and you could be surprised by how common many of the remedy ingredients are!

# Blackstrap Molasses

Blackstrap molasses is a great home remedy which can help to slow down the growth of grey hairs. There are claims out there that it has even brought back people’s natural color in some cases! Blackstrap molasses is a dark colored, thick liquid which is created as part of the sugar making process. It’s full of minerals such as iron, manganese, selenium and copper, three minerals that are key to maintaining your hair color. It also contains large amounts of copper and magnesium which helps your hair grow stronger and healthier. Try eating a spoonful every other day for around two months and you should start to notice a difference in the number of grey hairs you notice.

# Indian Gooseberry (Amla)

The Indian gooseberry is so good for your hair that sometimes it’s called the nectar for hair. One of its main hair benefits is its ability to reduce grey hairs. It has a rich vitamin C content, as well as lots of antioxidants. These help to renew hair, making it look fuller, thicker and darker.

You can drink fresh juice from Indian gooseberries, but this can be a bit sour. You can also add dried gooseberry powder to water, smoothies or soups. Another great way to make use of amla is to massage amla oil into your scalp to nourish your hair follicles and decrease the growth of grey hair. Rinsing with amla water can also help to improve the condition of your hair.

# Onions

Onions are rich in antioxidants and contain an enzyme called catalase. Catalase is key to keeping your hair it’s natural color and so can reduce the risk of greying hair. It’s also packed full of vitamin C which further delays the greying of hair.

Massaging onion juice into your scalp can prevent the build-up of hydrogen peroxide which might otherwise lead to the bleaching of your hair follicles, turning them grey from the inside out. You can also mix the onion juice with a little coconut oil to mask the onion smell and enhance the hair care benefits.

# Foods That Are Rich in Catalase

Onions aren’t the only source of catalase. With recent studies suggesting that grey hair isn’t just caused by the loss of hair pigments, the role of catalase is becoming more apparent. Studies imply that the greying of hair could also be linked to a natural build-up of hydrogen peroxide which causes a bleaching effect on your hair. Hydrogen peroxide is created as a natural byproduct of your metabolism doing its job. It’s also created as a response to stress, pollution, and second-hand smoke.

As we age we also start to produce less catalase, which would usually break down this hydrogen peroxide and prevent it from building up. You can look to foods like almonds, leeks, broccoli, cabbage and cucumber for rich sources of catalase.

# Wheatgrass Juice

Wheatgrass juice is another great home remedy for grey hair. It has a high content of vitamins A, B, and E which are all key to strengthening hair. It’s also high in amino acids, copper, and our good friend catalase. This means that drinking plenty of wheatgrass juice can help to break down hydrogen peroxide and reduce the rate of greying hair.

# Coconut Oil

Coconut oil – is there anything it can’t do? Amongst its many benefits, it also has the ability to slow down the greying of hair. There is some evidence to suggest that hair greying can be caused by high body heat, which is where coconut oil comes in. Coconut oil can help to bring down your body heat and prevents your hair from turning grey as a result. It also has a high concentration of antioxidants which can prevent the loss of hair pigmentation. You can massage the oil right into your scalp or add a little to your hair masks.

# Curry Leaves

Curry leaves have been used since ancient times to tackle greying hair. Historical evidence seems to indicate that people would eat the dark green leaves and apply the oils from them to their hair. This would then stop premature greying of their hair. Curry leaves also contain high levels of vitamin A, C and E, calcium, copper and antioxidants.

Not only can all of these elements help to slow down the greying of hair, but it also helps to nourish the follicles, strengthening them for healthy growth. They can also be made into a hair mask to give your hair extra luster and make it softer. Try mixing the leaves with a little coconut oil and yogurt and apply the mixture to your hair. Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing with warm (not hot) water.

# Bhringraj

Bhringraj, or Eclipta Alba, is a herb which makes a fantastic home remedy for slowing down the growth of grey hair. In India, it is sometimes referred to as ‘the king of herbs’ because of its ability to give new life to tired and dull looking hair. Using this herb can help your hair to grow thicker and darker.

Mix the herb with a little coconut oil and amla into a hair mask, apply and leave for 25 minutes. Rinse your hair in warm water and repeat once every two weeks. Over time you should see a significant difference in the amount of grey in your hair.

# Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha is a herb known for its anti-aging properties. It’s not only great for reducing the growth of grey hairs, but it can also help to keep your skin soft! It also has the ability to balance out your hormone levels, calm your mood and enhance your immune system.

You can take it as a supplement with meals or use it in its powdered form. As a powder, mix it with some milk of ghee to make a mask and cover your hair with it. Leave the mixture on for 20 minutes before rinsing.

# Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as a remedy for grey hair for centuries. This is largely because they can help to nourish the scalp and promote healthy hair growth. They also contain elements which promote the production of melanin, which is needed for hair pigmentation. Try eating a tablespoon of the seeds two or three times a week to really give your hair a boost and slow down the growth of grey hairs.

# Henna

Henna is a natural alternative to more commercially available, synthetic hair dyes. It leaves a reddish-brown color on the hair and can be mixed with coffee, cloves, and indigo to create your preferred shade. It’s also great for conditioning hair which can prevent it from going grey.

Mix your henna with some black tea or coffee to form a yogurt type consistency. Let your mixture sit for three hours and then add a tablespoon of olive oil. Rub this mixture onto your hair and leave for three hours before rinsing.

# Rosemary

Rosemary isn’t just a great way to add flavor to your food, it also helps to darken grey hairs. The herb has elements which stimulate the growth of new hair. It also has high levels of antioxidants which help to reduce the impact of free radicals which may otherwise damage hair pigmentation.

A rosemary-based shampoo or hair mask can also help remove leftover products to leave your hair softer and shinier. It’s also effective at tackling dandruff to prevent itching and irritation.
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