12 Ways To Use Onion Juice For Hair Growth

Hair loss and thinning of hair cause a lot of stress and anxiety. And even if you manage to take things under control, growing your hair turns out to be a different story altogether! However, using growth stimulating natural ingredients like onion juice for hair growth does make the life easier. This article will tell you about different ways to use onion juice to grow your hair. Applying the onion juice itself works well to combat hair loss and induce new hair growth, but when it is used in combination with other hair growth stimulators or hair nourishing ingredients, such as lemon, honey, aloe vera etc can give us amazing result. So, without wasting any further time, lets find out different ways to use onion juice for hair growth.

# Onion Juice Treatment for Hair Growth

Remove the skin from a medium sized onion and cut it into small pieces. Put them in a blender and make a smooth onion puree. Take out the onion puree and tie it in a cheese cloth. Squeeze properly to extract the juice. Massage the juice directly on the scalp and let it sit for 30 minutes. Use a shampoo to rinse it off. Repeat every alternate days.

# Honey and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Extract the juice of one onion following the method described above. Add one tsp of honey and 2-3 drops of lavender essential oil to the onion juice. Mix together and massage the mixture onto the scalp. Once done, cover the head with a shower cap for an hour. Use a mild shampoo to wash it off. Repeat twice or thrice in a week.

# Coconut Oil and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Mix together two tbsp each of onion juice and coconut oil. Add few drops of tea tree oil and mix everything nicely. Massage your scalp with this mixture for couple of minutes. Let it stay for another 30 minutes and remove everything with a mild shampoo. Reapply every alternate day.

# Lemon Juice and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Squeeze out juice from one fresh lemon. Combine this with a tbsp fresh onion juice. With the help of a cotton ball, apply this juice mix on the scalp and keep it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a mild shampoo and repeat this treatment with onion juice for hair growth 2-3 times in a week.

# Olive Oil and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Cut one medium sized onion into two halves. Grate both the halves and extract the juice from grated onion. You would need about two tbsp onion juice. Add a tbsp olive oil and mix together. Apply this on the scalp and massage gently with your fingertips. Leave it on for at least an hour and then use a mild shampoo to wash it off. Do this 2-3 times in a week. This is a great way to use onion juice for hair growth.

# Onion Juice for Hair Growth with Curry Leaves

Put a handful of fresh curry leaves in a blender and add some water. Blend them to make a smooth paste. Take it out and add two tbsp fresh onion juice to the curry leaves paste. Mix together and apply this all over the scalp. Let it stay for an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo. Reapply 2-3 times in a week.

# Castor Oil and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Mix together two tbsp each of onion juice and castor oil. Apply this on the scalp and massage gently. Allow it to sit for couple of hours and then wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat twice or thrice in a week.

# Coconut Milk and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Take 3-4 tbsp of coconut milk in a bowl and add two tbsp onion juice to that. Mix together with a spoon and apply that all over the scalp. Once the scalp gets saturated with the mixture, wear a shower cap and let the mask sit for an hour. Wash it off with a mild shampoo and repeat the entire process 3-4 times in a week.

# Onion Juice and Almond Oil for Boosting Hair Growth

Mix together two tbsp fresh onion juice and a tbsp of sweet almond oil. With the help of a cotton ball, apply this mixture all over the scalp, and massage gently with your fingertips. Leave it on for a hour before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Repeat twice or thrice in a week.

# Aloe Vera and Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Combine together 2-3 tbsp of onion juice and a tbsp aloe vera gel. Take a medium sized onion and cut it into two halves. Grate both the halves in a grater and then extract the juice from the grated onions. Alternatively, you can cut the onion in small pieces and put them in a blender. Blend them to a puree. With a strainer or a cheesecloth, extract the juice. Once you mix the onion juice with aloe vera gel, massage your scalp with this. Leave it on for an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo. Repeat two or three times per week.

# Add Garlic Juice to Onion Juice for Hair Growth

Take about 6-7 garlic cloves and crush them to make a paste. Add the crushed garlic cloves to two tbsp onion juice. You can either extract onion juice from grated onions or simply make onion puree by putting few onion pieces in a blender and then extract the juice using a strainer. Mix the onion juice and garlic paste and apply it all over the scalp. Put on a shower cap and let it sit for 30-40 minutes before washing off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this remedy at least twice in a week for couple of months to see great results.

# Onion Juice Hair Rinse

We are going to end this list of different ways to use onion juice for hair growth with this one. Simply extract onion juice either from grated onion or onion puree and add that to a mug of water. After using shampoo, rinse off thoroughly and then use this onion juice mixed water as your final rinse. Repeat every time you shampoo your hair.
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