3 DIY Depigmentation Face Pack You Must Try

Skin pigmentation is harmless, but definitely it doesn’t look appealing. Basically skin pigmentation appears in the form of dark spots on our skin. Also, you may notice that part of your skin looking darker than the surrounding skin. There are certain factors than can result in skin darkening or skin pigmentation.

One of them is sun exposure. However, climate changes, hormonal imbalance or underlying skin problem can also result in skin pigmentation. There are various remedies available in stores to lighten skin pigmentation and restore your original skin tone. However, homemade depigmentation face pack is the best natural remedy to even out our skin tone without any side effects. Check below for some of the best depigmentation face pack recipes.

# Yogurt and Lemon Juice Depigmentation Face Pack

In a bowl, take a tbsp fresh and unflavored yogurt. Add few drops of fresh lemon juice to that. Mix together to prepare the DIY depigmentation face pack.

Massage it all over the face as well as neck. Continue massaging for few minutes and after that, let it sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with plain water.

Reapply this depigmentation face pack with yogurt and lemon juice twice or thrice weekly.

# Raw Honey and Tomato Depigmentation Face Pack

Cut one tomato into half and grate it. Transfer the grated tomato to a strainer and squeeze out the juice. Collect the juice in a bowl and mix it with a tsp of raw honey to prepare our homemade depigmentation face pack.

Massage the face pack into the face as well as neck. Let it sit on the skin for 10-15 minutes and use plain water to wash off.

Reapply this DIY depigmentation face pack with raw honey and tomato twice or thrice weekly.

# Coconut Milk and Turmeric Depigmentation Face Pack

Take a generous pinch of turmeric powder and add some coconut milk to that. Mix together to prepare homemade depigmentation face pack.

Apply it evenly all over the face as well as neck and massage the skin gently with your fingertips for couple of minutes. Leave the face pack on the skin for another 10-15 minutes.

Finally wash off everything with plain water and reapply this depigmentation face pack with turmeric and coconut milk twice or thrice in a week.
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