4 Ways To Get Soft Feet at Home Naturally

Soft and beautiful feet, like the ones we see in TV ads, doesn’t always require you to spend thousands at a salon. You can get healthy, beautiful feet with few simple ingredients found at every household. Here is an article about simple tips and remedies to get soft feet at home. Most of us are guilty of not taking enough care of our feet. Lack of foot care leads to dry skin, cracked and painful heels, bad odor, fungus and bacterial infection. Our feet definitely deserves a lot of care and pampering because they are one of the hardest working parts of our body. Before it becomes too late, why not pamper your feet at home with simple, easily available ingredients? Find out here how to get soft feet naturally.

# Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil to Get Soft Feet at Home

Take a tbsp pure aloe vera gel in a bowl and mix it with 2 tsp coconut oil. Prepare a smooth paste. Every night before going to bed, apply this foot gel and gently massage for few minutes. Leave it on overnight and wash off the next morning. Regular application is helpful to get soft feet naturally.

# Apply Shea Butter to Get Soft Feet Naturally

Take 1 tbsp shea butter and melt it using a double boiler. Remove from the heat and let it cool down a bit. Apply the same all over the feet, massaging gently with the fingertips. Leave it on the skin for 30-40 minutes. After that, wipe off with a damp towel. Repeat every day. This is the easiest way to use shea butter to get soft feet. Alternatively, you can use shea butter as an overnight foot cream.

# Oats, Sugar and Raw Honey Foot Scrub to Get Soft Feet

For this homemade foot scrub, we need to prepare oats powder first. Put 1-2 tsp of whole oats in the food processor or grinder to prepare oats powder. Take it out and mix it with equal amount of sugar. To this, add required amount of raw honey and mix everything together to prepare a homemade foot scrub. Use this to exfoliate your feet. Wait for 5 minutes and then, wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat the entire process twice weekly to get soft feet naturally.

# Apply Mashed Banana to Get Soft Feet

Take a ripe banana and remove the skin. Mash the banana with the help of a fork or use clean finger tips. Massage it on to the feet and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with fresh water and repeat the process 2-3 times weekly. This is the simplest way to use banana to get soft feet.
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