5 Acupressure Points That Helps in Hair Growth

Acupressure is an ancient technique that can effectively control baldness, help with new hair growth and stop hair loss. Acupressure for hair regain works on targeting the pressure points in our body. Our hair’s health is primarily associated with the condition of one’s blood and how well the adrenal glands function. If you want healthy hair, blood will have to flow to the roots and scalp. Diet, exercise and massage stimulate the blood circulation and helps to bring oxygen and fresh blood to the hair and the scalp. Detoxifying helps to stop and reverse the loss of hair.

Regular massage of the scalp will help to stop the radical hair loss and will actively work to facilitate better hair growth. A good scalp massage helps to increase the blood circulation to the scalp. This blood brings nutrients which help in hair growth. Stress and tension of everyday life reduces the blood circulation to the hair follicles and the scalp oil and the dead skin may hinder the natural hair growth.

* Paihui

Paihui is the point that is located on the top of the head. This simple scalp acupuncture exercise is proven responsible for blood circulation to the head and helps in hair growth. This is the place where the nose extension meets the extension of the ear. To stimulate Paihui, you need to take 10 toothpicks. Bundle them together with a rubber band. Stimulate the Paihui for ten minutes. Then move on to the hair follicles. Massage the head uniformly and be gentle so you don’t damage the hair or injure yourself.

* Head Massage Paihui

To do this massage technique, you need to push the Paihui with the five fingers of your hand in a way such that you can massage yourself. Pressure should be applied in the vertical position. Massage the head uniformly and be gentle so you don’t damage the hair. This method also increases blood circulation in head that support to promoting hair regrowth. This is an acupressure point on hands for hair growth.

* Reflexology Massage

- Run your fingernails together. This will help to stimulate hair growth. This will surely bring out the best results. Remember to do this daily.

- The fingernail exercise stimulates the blood flow to the head. It is only when the blood flow reaches the hair follicles will it help to grow new hair.

- The neck, shoulders and back also have pressure points that when massaged stimulate hair growth. Results will be slow but prominent within a month or so.

* LI1

- Press a point which is exactly one millimeter to the corner of the nail of the index finger (to the side of the thumb).

- This has been proved to be effective for most people and is attested for better hair growth.

- You can press that particular point for about three or two minutes once every day and it will prove to be highly effective for you like it has been for everyone who has tried it.

* B13

- You will have to put three of your finer in the portion between the shoulder blade and the spine.
- Excessive rubbing and pressing is required.
You will experience a sense of relief. This is done on one side of the spine only.

- Do this on the other side of the spine as well to get effective results. This has many other functions as well.
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