5 Amazing Benefits of Rose Oil for Skin and Hair

One of the most common, and most beneficial essential oils available is rose oil. Rose extract and oil has a laundry list of positive properties and benefits that make it ideal for skin and hair care in addition to the fact that it smells heavenly. Below are just seven of the most common rose oil benefits that you’ll see from using it as both a skin and hair care product.


Rose oil is what is known as an emollient, meaning it has moisturizing properties and essential vitamins and nutrients that help it moisturize the skin and hair on contact. On your hair, rose oil can help strengthen each individual strand by nourishing it with vitamins that help smooth over frayed ends and prevent breakage. On skin, its natural emollient properties and vitamins make give it the ability to help the skin appear more supple and plump.


The many astringent properties of rose oil makes it a great toner and makeup remover. This means that rose oil can help provide antibacterial properties that prevent blemishes and acne from appearing. On any acne that does show up, use a couple of drops of rose oil applied directly to the blemish to help reduce inflammation and redness and soothe the irritation to promote faster healing. Its antibacterial properties also means it makes a great natural product to apply to wounds to help prevent irritation and the growth of bad bacteria.


Because rose oil has the ability to provide nourishment and moisturize dry hair, it also increases the appearance of shiny, healthy hair. On natural hair, specifically, applying a couple of drops of rose oil to your hair a few times a week (after you wash it, preferably) can help it stay shiny and moisturized, preventing unwanted frizz and breakage that makes it harder to manage.


Like we said before, rose oil simply smells amazing. Like lavender, its flowery scent has the ability to relax the mind and make you feel more comfortable. We recommend putting a couple of drops of rose oil around your temples and behind your ears when you’re feeling a bit tense or simply want to wind down for the night. In addition to its wide variety of botanical properties, rose oil is such a popular addition to skin and hair care products because of its ability to relax the mind.


In the same way that you would want to exercise to promote circulation throughout your body to keep your heart healthy, you want to use products that promote circulation around your face and scalp to keep your skin healthy. Studies have shown that good circulation can keep your skin looking young because it stimulates the turnover of new skin cells and promotes good digestion and detoxification that prevents toxins from coming out of your skin as acne. Good circulation has also been known to improve and speed up hair growth, and ingredients like rose oil and tea tree oil are common ingredients in shampoos and other hair care products that promise to stimulate new hair growth.
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