5 DIY Ways To Use Coconut Water for Shiny Hair

When we hear coconut water, the first thing that comes to our mind is a refreshing and nutritious drink. Having a glass of fresh coconut water on a hot, humid day is a pure bliss! Coconut water has amazing benefits for our health and it also works great for our skin. But do you know, that coconut water is great for our hair too? In this article, we are going to discuss the benefits and use of coconut water for hair care. Coconut water helps to get rid of dry and dehydrated and frizzy hair as well as itchy scalp. It treats dandruff, hair breakage, strengthens our hair strands and also promote hair growth. Below you can find in detail why and how to use coconut water for hair care.

# Coconut Water Spray for Hair Hydration

Take 1/4th cup of fresh coconut water and add that to a cup of normal water. Mix together and pour this mixture into a spray bottle.

This can be used as a daily hydration spray for our hair. Mist over damp hair and scalp and after that, comb your hair as usual.

# Coconut Water and Lemon Juice for Hair Care

Take half a cup of fresh coconut water and add 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice to that. Mix together and apply the resultant mixture on your hair.

Keep it on for 20-30 minutes. Wash off with plain water. Repeat this remedy with coconut water and lemon juice for hair care twice in a week.

# Coconut Water and Honey for Hair Care

Take a cup of fresh coconut water and to this, add 4 tbsp of honey. Mix them together. Apply the mixture on the hair and scalp and gently massage the scalp for few minutes.

Once done, take a damp hot towel to wrap your head. This will allow deeper penetration into your scalp.

Wait for 30 minutes before rinsing off with a mild shampoo. Repeat this treatment with coconut water and honey for hair care once in a week to get dandruff free hair.

# Coconut Water and Aloe Vera for Hair Care

Add two tsp pure aloe vera gel to half a cup of fresh coconut water. Mix together and pour the mixture into a spray bottle.

Mist this solution with coconut water and aloe vera gel all over the hair for at least thrice in a week for best results.

# Coconut Water and Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair Care

Add a tbsp apple cider vinegar to a cup of fresh coconut water. Mix together and apply the resultant mixture onto your hair.

Leave it on for less than 10 minutes. Rinse off with a mild shampoo and reapply this remedy with coconut water and apple cider vinegar for healthy hair weekly once or twice.
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