5 Home Remedies To Get Clear Neck

Our skin loses its natural colour and texture because of the dirt and dust it gets subjected to throughout the day. We often have a totally different skin tone and texture in the neck region as compared to our face. With a little time and attention it can get back in shape.

* Lemon and Turmeric Bleach:

Lemon has natural bleaching properties and turmeric also has skin whitening properties; which makes this combination the best one to get white and glowing skin.

- Squeeze out juice of one medium sized lemon.
- Add a pinch of turmeric powder to it and mix well
- With the help of a cotton ball, apply evenly on the neck.
- Rinse with lukewarm water after 15 minutes.

* Olive Oil and Sugar Scrub

Scrubbing dark areas helps restore natural colour faster. Application of olive oil helps lighten the colour and helps to make it smooth and soft.

- Take 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a bowl and add half teaspoon sugar.
- Take small portions of sugar and oil and rub gently on the neck region.
- Scrub in soft and circular motions, continue till sugar melts completely.
- Leave for 15-20 minutes and rinse with water.

* Tomato and Oats Mask cum Scrub

Tomato is a rich source of vitamin C and a mild bleaching agent. Oats is also good for skin health and whitens the skin.

- Grind oats till it is coarse and take 2-3 teaspoons of it in a bowl.
- Mix fresh tomato pulp to make a paste like consistency of the mixture
- Apply evenly on the neck region – front and back.
- Once the mask dries up, dip 2-3 fingers in water and scrub over the mask gently
- After 10-12 minutes of scrubbing, rinse with cold water and apply moisturiser.

* Curd and Gram Flour Paste

Gram flour is an excellent agent to cleanse the skin and remove dirt and dust from the skin. Since it causes dryness, we shall use it with curd to strike a balance.

- Take 3-4 teaspoons of gram flour and mix with equal amount of thick curd.
- Add a pinch of turmeric powder and a little milk to get a paste like consistency.
- Spread evenly across the neck and let dry
- Splash some water and gently rub the paste
- Rinse with cold water and massage gently with moisturiser thereafter.

* Orange Peel Powder

Oranges are natural bleaching agent and can be used on the skin for whitening naturally.

- Take a teaspoon of orange peel powder (dried beforehand)
- Mix with a teaspoon of milk and let it set for 5-7 minutes
- Apply the mixture on the neck region evenly
- Wash off after 10-15 minutes.
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