5 Home Remedies To Get Rid of Itchy Scalp During Summer

Can’t seem to shoo away that itchy feeling on your head? You’re not alone; statistics reveal that an itchy scalp is a common ailment, and is the result of an underlying skin condition.

Read on to know more about the basics of an itchy scalp and some simple home remedies to handle it better. Socially unacceptable and is embarrassing, this condition is typically observed in patients suffering from skin conditions of the scalp such as seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis and fungal infections of the scalp. An itchy scalp is often accompanied by dandruff (white-colored flakes of dead skin), making the condition even more concerning.

* Essential Oil

Don’t restrict the use of essential oils to just aromatherapy; a mixture of essential oils is considered a good home remedy for an itchy scalp. Choose from natural oils like lavender oil, tea tree oil, almond oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, olive oil and peppermint oil.

* Lemon

Yet another powerful home remedy for treating an itchy scalp is the lemon. Simply squeeze a lemon, and apply its juice directly to your scalp before shampooing. This home remedy is effective in treating dandruff too.

* Apple Cider Vinegar

ou may find apple cider vinegar cropping up in the home remedies section of almost every condition; and why not? With its powerful anti-inflammatory properties and its natural goodness, apple cider is truly a star.

* Aloe Vera

This wonder plant may have helped you reduce your sunburn, or calm down aggravated acne; now it’s time to harness the power of aloe vera for the scalp. The gel obtained from the aloe vera plant works in two ways-its antibacterial properties prevent the growth of bacteria that cause scalp infections, and its cooling, soothing properties help prevent itching and burning of the scalp.

* Tea tree oil

This oil is known for natural antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Some people advocate applying it to the scalpto provide itch relief.However, while tea tree oil can provide a temporary cooling sensation, it won’t get rid of the main cause of itchy scalp – dandruff –unless you use a high concentration and leave it in contact with the scalp.
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