5 Japanese Skincare Secrets You Need To Try

When we think of a Japanese Woman, our mind instantly makes a sketch of a beautiful, slim girl with flawless complexion and silky-smooth hair. A lot of women across the world have tried to copy the way Japanese women style themselves, but in vain. This is because the Japanese have special beauty secrets which they have hid from the rest of the world. These beauty secrets are now revealed thanks to globalisation. From drinking green tea every day to bathing in rice water, Japanese women have mastered the art of looking beautiful. Check out this article in which we unwrap the Japanese Beauty Routine for you.

* Red Beans

Using red beans for skin problems is an old age method and Japanese women use it is as a face scrub. Scrubbing red beans over the face helps one to get flawless and smooth skin. It helps the blemishes to subside and provides glowing skin free of any spots.

* Rice Bran Oil

Rice bran oil is rich in vitamin E and has great anti agent oxidants. This can be used on the skin as a moisturizer. This helps the skin to glow and whitens it. It nourishes tones and cleanses the skin. This can also be used on rough areas such as elbows and knees in order to smoothen it. It also works well as a make up remover.

* Sea Weeds

See weeds are rich in zinc, copper and selenium which are well know strengthening minerals. They are dried and then crushed to form a powder like substance, later it is mixed in water which makes it perfect to be applied on the face. This is a natural cleanser and blocks the open pores. This also protects the skin from harmful sun rays and keeps it healthy. It can also be applied to the hair for deep conditioning.

* Uguisu Facials

Uguisu facials are famous in Japan. The core ingredient of this kind of facial is the bird dropping. They believe that the bird droppings have certain rich substances which help them to remove make up and to brighten the skin. This helps to lighten the skin colour and also closes the pores. This helps the skin to get soft and pale.

* Camellia Oil

This oil is mainly for the dry and rough patches like elbows, knees and around the nails. This natural softens the skin and helps it shine. It also works well to remove wrinkles and to restore the lost moisture. It helps the skin to look fresh and young.
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