5 Must Try Home Remedies To Treat Diaper Rashes in Babies

Mostly, all the babies get diaper rash from time to time. It is the worst feeling for a mother to see her baby in pain especially when there is a nasty case of diaper rash. However, we can soothe baby’s bottom with some simple home remedies that are made from the ingredients easily available in our homes.

Diaper rash is a term used to indicate any sort of skin irritation which occurs in the diaper-covered region. It is also known as ‘diaper dermatitis’ which means inflammation of the skin because of diapers and ‘napkin dermatitis’ that is inflammation of the skin because of nappies.

# Coconut oil

It is very easily available in almost every household and is one of the safest home remedies to treat diaper rashes in babies. It has antifungal properties which are effective in curing the yeast diaper rash.

- First, wash the bottom area of your baby with the warm water.
- Let the skin dry for some time.
- Take few drops of coconut oil in your palm and apply gently on the affected area.
- Let it also dry before making your baby wear a new diaper.
- Follow this remedy 1-2 times daily.

# Oatmeal Bath

The second on the list to know how to treat diaper rash in babies is the use of oatmeal which is rich in proteins. These proteins safeguard the skin’s natural protective barrier. In addition, saponin – a chemical compound, is found in oatmeal. This compound helps in removing the dirt and unwanted oil from the baby’s skin. Oatmeal also soothes the skin irritation and inflammation because of the diaper rashes. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of oatmeal.

- Firstly, add 1 tablespoon of dried oatmeal to the baby’s bathtub filled with water. Stir it well.
- After that make your baby sit in this water for 10 to 15 minutes.
- This water will soothe the baby’s skin. Then pat dry the skin.
- Follow this remedy twice a day to treat diaper rash.

# Yogurt Treatment

Curd or Yogurt is very easily available in every household. It is an effective anti-inflammatory agent and a natural probiotic. Yogurt is effective against microbial and yeast infections. Hence, it can treat diaper rash.

- A thick application of yogurt on to the affected area will soothe your baby.
- Follow this remedy on a daily basis to get relief.

# Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Furthermore, on the list to know how to treat diaper rash in babies is the use of apple cider vinegar. It is an antibacterial and antifungal agent that is effective to treat diaper rashes.

- Add 1 teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in one cup of warm water to make a weak vinegar solution.
- Now, dip a clean piece of cloth in this solution and wipe your baby’s bottom.
- Follow this remedy 1 to 2 times while changing the diaper. This will help to make your baby’s bottom resistant to yeast.

# Use of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is known for its healing properties. It is an effective anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent which can soothe the irritated and inflamed skin and can also kill the bacteria responsible for the occurrence of diaper rashes. Therefore, it is considered as one of the safest and effective home remedies to treat diaper rash.

- Apply some Aloe Vera gel to the affected area with the help of your fingertips.
- Follow this remedy two to three times daily.
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