5 Simple DIY Face Masks To Get Radiant Skin

Simple DIY beauty treatments are my favorite, especially because they require common ingredients found in my pantry. And when you consider the beauty benefits of these kitchen staples, it only makes sense to include them in my beauty routine. Since I have already talked about face masks and body scrubs in my previous posts, its time to focus on something equally important-face scrubs!

DIY face scrubs are made with all natural ingredients that are great at exfoliation. These scrubs help to remove dead cells to reveal glowing, brighter skin. Not only that, these are loaded with antioxidants that can work wonders for our skin. Since these scrubs smell and taste delicious, you don’t have to worry if you accidentally lick your lips! ??

So, Are you ready to whip up a quick DIY face scrub? Try these easy beauty recipes for glowing skin!

* Simple Sugar Scrub

This is the simplest face scrub recipe you can make at home. It requires just two ingredients-sugar and coconut oil. You can also use olive oil or jojoba oil in this recipe. The benefits of this scrub can be further enhanced by the use of an essential oil of your choice but it is an optional step, you can skip it if you want!

1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp. Sugar
Few Drops Essential Oil

- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
- Use this scrub to gently exfoliate your facial skin for few minutes.
- Wash your face with lukewarm water and follow with a moisturizer.

* Simple Sugar Scrub

This is the simplest face scrub recipe you can make at home. It requires just two ingredients-sugar and coconut oil. You can also use olive oil or jojoba oil in this recipe. The benefits of this scrub can be further enhanced by the use of an essential oil of your choice but it is an optional step, you can skip it if you want!

1 Tbsp. Coconut Oil
2 Tbsp. Sugar
Few Drops Essential Oil

- Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
- Use this scrub to gently exfoliate your facial skin for few minutes.
- Wash your face with lukewarm water and follow with a moisturizer.

* Tomato Scrub

This scrub is perfect for removing suntan. Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant which helps in calming irritated skin and fights free radical damage. Besides, tomatoes are great for treating hyperpigmentation and dark spots.

Half Tomato
1 Tbsp. Sugar

- Cut half a tomato and sprinkle half tablespoon sugar on it.
- Rub it on your face in circular motions and rinse well with plain water.
- You can also use tomato pulp mixed with sugar to form a paste.
- Use this paste on the face to exfoliate the skin.

* Oatmeal Scrub

The best thing about this scrub is that it can be used on all types of skin. Since oatmeal is a very gentle exfoliating agent, it can be used on sensitive skin as well. It has anti-inflammatory properties, is a good moisturizer and also provides relief from skin irritations.

2 Tbps. Oatmeal
1 Tbsp. Honey

- Grind oatmeal to form a coarse powder.
- It should just break up a bit and not become too powdery.
- Add a few drops of water to soften it a bit.
- Mix honey and use on the face to slough away dead skin cells.

* Papaya Scrub

Papaya contains Vitamin A and enzyme Papain. It rejuvenates dull skin by removing dead cells and also provides sufficient hydration. Papaya is also known for its anti-aging properties, it reduces wrinkles and improves skin elasticity.

1 Tablespoon Papaya
1/2 Tablespoon Oats
1 Tablespoon Honey
1/2 Tablespoon Olive Oil

- Mix all the ingredients to form a paste.
- Use this mixture as a scrub for exfoliating dead skin.

* Lemon Scrub

If you are looking for a refreshing scrub, then this is an excellent recipe for use in the summer months. This fragrant scrub is great for dark spots and pigmentation. You can also grind some lemon rind in this scrub. However, lemon is not suitable for use on sensitive skin due to its acidic nature and care should be taken before using it on the face.

1/2 Lemon
4 Tbsp. Sugar
1 Tbsp. Olive Oil

- Squeeze the juice of half a lemon and mix with olive oil.
- Add four tablespoons sugar to form a thick scrub, Use it on clean, dry face to exfoliate dead skin cells.
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