6 Amazing Benefits of Fenugreek Seeds for Hair and Skin

Ask your grandmother about Methi and she is sure to sing its praises. Methi, otherwise known as fenugreek, has long been used not only in cooking but also as a medicine to treat skin, hair, and health issues. This highly versatile spice is a staple of every Indian household.Methi Dana or fenugreek seeds are a staple in Indian kitchens. Apart from adding flavour to daily dishes, these seeds also have a host of health and beauty benefits. Right from helping prevent colon cancer, countering acid reflux or heartburn to promoting hair growth and fighting dandruff, methi seeds do it all. Here are all the benefits of methi seeds.

# Exfoliates Skin and Gets Rid of Facial Hair

Soak a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds overnight. Blend it with gram flour and curd the next day to create a coarse paste. Apply this on your face and leave it on for ten minutes. Wash it off using circular motion to gently scrub your face. Methi is a great skin exfoliator and helps get rid of unwanted facial hair

# Improves Blood Circulation

Methi helps improve blood circulation by ridding the liver of toxins and purifying the blood. If you do not us this ingredient in your daily cooking, make sure to have a teaspoon of these seeds daily with water.

# Reduces Skin Inflammation

Methi can be used to treat eczema, boils, burns, and muscle pain. It effectively reduces the inflammation of the skin and gives relief from pain. Use Methi powder with water to treat the affected areas.

# Improves Digestion and Relieves Constipation

If you suffer from indigestion or constipation, then make it a point to have half a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds every day. Soak the seeds in water or yogurt and have it first thing in the morning the next day.

# Cures Acne and Blackheads

Mix a teaspoon of Methi powder with some honey and water and apply it to the affected area. Methi effectively draws out the toxins and impurities that reside in our pores, thus making our skin healthy and clean

# Prevents Premature Greying

Crush fenugreek leaves and boil it with coconut oil. Strain this and store it in a bottle and use it regularly to prevent premature greying of hair.
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