6 Effective Home Remedies to Treat Grey Hair

What are the premature grey hair causes? Both men and women are allergic to grey hair. If the premature grey hair comes, there will be an inferiority complex, worries and stress that makes us forget happiness. People use to get suggestions from many people to make the hair black again. The medicinal factor for gray hair is, the melanocyte cells which gives black color to the hair is less in the count. These melanocyte cells use to decrease only when aging occurs. But nowadays it starts decreasing at the young age itself.

There are many factors also cause grey hair. First study the premature graying hair causes then try to reduce them by home remedies accordingly. In general turning black of the grey hair is difficult but if it is done methodologically with necessary nutrients, we can turn the hair black again.

# Ginger with Milk

1 Small Cup of Ginger Pieces
1 Cup Milk


To turn the grey hair black, cut the ginger into pieces, grind this along with milk and make a paste. Apply this to the grey hair and leave it for 10 minutes and then rinse off. It should be done once in a week regularly.

# Hibiscus with Coconut Oil

1 Cup of Hibiscus flowers and Leaves
1 Cup of Coconut Oil


The leaves and the flowers of Hibiscus is ground and applied with coconut oil on the hair and soaked for 30 minutes. Then it should be rinsed off. If it is done regularly, the grey hair starts turning black.

# Coconut Oil and Lemon Juice

1 Cup of Lemon Juice
1 Cup of Coconut Oil


In coconut oil, lemon juice is mixed and applied to the scalp and massaged for 10 minutes and should be rinsed with cold water.

# Castor Oil and Lemon Juice

1 Cup of Lemon Juice
1 Cup of Castor Oil


An equal quantity of castor oil and lemon juice are taken, and mixed well and applied to the scalp and the hair and left for 1 hour. Then it should be washed with Shikakai. It should be done once in two days.

# Curry Leaves with Coconut Oil

5 tbsp of Coconut Oil
1 handful of Curry Leaves


Even the experts say that curry leaves are good at curing grey hair. 1 handful of curry leaves boiled with 5 tbsp of coconut oil. Once it cooled apply the scalp and massage it gently, leave it after 15 minutes. Then wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

# Henna and Curd

1 Cup of up of Henna Powder
1 Cup of Curd


Pure Henna powder and the curd are taken in equal quantity and mixed well and soak it overnight. This is applied to the scalp and soaked for a while, then rinsed off. If it is done weekly once, grey hair will disappear.
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