6 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Oily Scalp and Hair

Oily hair and scalp can be extremely annoying as due to this your hair look flat, dull and low on volume. Moreover, oily hair attracts dirt easily which further requires a lot of maintenance. Oily scalp and hair may also lead to hair fall and hair loss even in young age. Hence, this problem should be treated on time.There can be several methods to deal with oily hair though in my opinion home remedies or natural methods are the best to go for.

Natural methods to treat the oily hair and scalp works quite well but do you know that the oily scalp and hair is caused by the over active sebaceous glands. These glands secrete sebum and because of that, scalp gets oily leading to oily hair. All oils are not bad necessarily, just like for your skin, oils protect the skin but when their secretion gets over the normal amount then there can be a problem which we come across as oily facial skin, oily hair and scalp.

# Lemon juice Rinse

- Lemon is undoubtedly one of the best ingredients that can cure skin and hair woes.
- All you have to do is to cut a lemon into half, take a mug or bowl and squeeze out the lemon juice into it.
- Using this as a last rinse will helps rinse off the excessive oils and makes hair shinier.
- Vitamin C in the lemon is good for healthy hair.

# Tea as Last Rinse

This has been tried and tested by me and this is one of the best ways to cure oily scalp and oily hair. Tea contains tannic acid that removes excessive oils from the scalp and from the hair.

You will need:

A tea bag or one teaspoonful of tea.

One cup of water


- Put the tea into the cup of water and wait for 5- 10 minutes you can do this before you shampoo your hair as after shampoo, you will not have to wait.
- Put this one cup of water in one mug of water thereby diluting its concentration.
- Use this water as a last rinse of complete your hair wash.
- It naturally removes the oils and gives a bounce to the hair.

# Egg white

Egg white can be used as an excellent hair mask to make hair thicker, shinier and softer. Not only this it is an ideal hair care ingredients that can remove extra oils from the scalp.

- Take an egg and take out the egg white.
- Use this egg white to apply on your oily hair and scalp.
- Keep this for 20 minutes and let it dry. this hair mask will make the hair silkier, shinier and free from the extra oils from the hair and scalp.

# Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider Vinegar is again a very useful remedy for oily hair. All you have to do is to. shampoo your hair the way you do and after that take a mug of water and pour half cup of Apple cider Vinegar into it. Do the last rinse with this and it will definitely help you in getting rid of the excess oils from the scalp. All you get is oil free voluminous hair.

# Aloe Vera treatment

Aloe Vera is one such wonder product that is widely used in the skin care and hair care products, majorly as an hydrating and moisturizing agents but it’s soothing, healing properties will also benefit you from oily hair. But only if it is used with another ingredients like lemon juice.

- Take 2 teaspoonful of aloe Vera and one teaspoonful of lemon juice.
- Mix both of them and apply on your hair and scalp.
- Wait for 10 minutes and rinse off. Notice the shinier and oil free hair.

# Baking Soda

Baking soda is a multipurpose product which can help in a lot of various ways including as an effective pimple cure. It works great with oily hair too.

You will need:

3 teaspoonful of baking soda
one cup of water


- Mix both the ingredients and apply that to wash off your hair.
- This will work as a shampoo so you do not have to shampoo before that but it should not be repeated quite often.
- Just once in 15 days would be fine.
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