6 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Redness on Face

Facial skin is one of the most well-looked-after parts of the body, and rightly so, being highly sensitive and prone to different problems. One such common skin problem that people experience is redness on the face.

Facial redness may last for a few minutes, days, weeks, or months in some cases. In most instances, facial redness is just a cosmetic issue that can be resolved with simple care and treatments.

However, when the problem is persistent, it may be indicative of an underlying condition that warrants medical treatment.

# Apply oatmeal

Oatmeal is rich in avenanthramides, which inhibit the production of inflammatory compounds in the skin, therefore helping control and reduce facial redness.

Moreover, oatmeal acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent and is often used for the treatment of inflammatory skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, pruritus, acneiform eruptions, and viral infections.

- Mix uncooked oatmeal with water to form a paste.
- Apply the paste to the affected area.

# Use aloe vera

Aloe vera is a popular skin care ingredient that is often used to control facial redness and swelling. Its high vitamin and mineral content soothes the skin and aids healing.

- Apply fresh aloe vera gel to clean skin and allow to it dry.
- Alternatively, you can make natural face packs using aloe vera gel.

# Dab some coconut oil

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which possesses antifungal effects, thus helping in the treatment of infection-caused facial redness. Moreover, coconut oil is an excellent skin moisturizer that can soothe and hydrate the skin, helping control skin redness.

- Slightly warm some virgin coconut oil.
- Apply the oil to the affected areas using a cotton ball.
- Wash your face after an hour of application.

# Apply honey

Honey is known for its humectant nature that can combat skin dryness and soothe the skin. It also contains antibiotic properties that control infection and aid skin healing.

The sticky nature of honey also helps cleanse the skin of dirt and impurities. Moreover, several in vitro studies suggested that honey helps moderate the skin’s immune system.

- Wash your face with lukewarm water.
- Apply raw, organic, or medical-grade honey to the affected area.
- Wash it off after 30 minutes.

# Rinse your face with chamomile tea

Chamomile tea possesses anti-inflammatory properties that can control skin redness. It also exhibits antimicrobial and wound healing effects.

The anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea are chiefly attributed to its active ingredients, including sesquiterpene alcohols, a-bisabolol, chamazulene, and flavonoids.

- Steep 2 chamomile tea bags in a few cups of boiled water.
- Let the tea cool, use it to wash your face.
- Pat your skin dry.

# Apply a cucumber mask

Cucumbers are highly hydrating and can improve facial redness associated with dryness. Moreover, its antioxidant nature may help control skin inflammation.

- Puree a cucumber and apply it to a cleansed face.
- Wash the mask off after a few minutes.
- Apply a cream or oil to seal in the moisture.
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