6 Foods That Help To Boost Your Immune System

The best way to reduce your risk of infections and the severity of illness is by taking steps to strengthen your immune system. Not surprisingly, this has become a big focus over the last year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. While there are Ayurvedic medicines to boost immunity that can be of great help, Ayurved emphasizes a holistic approach.

So, in addition to consuming Ayurvedic herbs, polyherbal formulations like Chyawanprash and Ayush Kwath, and giloy or ashwagandha supplements, you should also make some changes to your diet to include foods that boost immunity. Here are some of the best foods to strengthen immunity naturally, with a focus on vegetarian foods that are widely available across India.

We’ll skip the obvious choice of citric fruits and get straight to the others!

# Amla

Amla is perhaps the richest source of vitamin C, making it the best food to consume if you wish to boost your immunity. Just 100 grams of amla would give you 46% of your daily vitamin C requirement, along with a variety of nutrients and phytochemicals, including anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and flavonols. This gives amla wide-ranging health benefits, but the most notable is its immunomodulatory and antibacterial effects, which can support and strengthen the immune system. If you don't like the taste Amla, you can take Imunoherb Capsule which has good amount of Amla, Giloy, Neem extracts that will help for immuntiy boosting.

# Palak

Palak is a staple leafy green in the Indian diet and now you have good reason to consume more of it. The vegetable is a good source of vitamin C and also contains plenty of antioxidants and beta carotene. These nutrients are known to support the immune system. You can get the maximum nutrition and immune system benefits from palak by lightly cooking it.

# Haldi

Haldi is another ingredient that is widely used in Indian cuisine because of its distinctive flavour and colour. However, it is just as popular as a healing spice that has been used for thousands of years in Ayurved to treat wound and inflammation, whether a sore throat or arthritic disease. Haldi gets its healing properties from curcumin, which is the main bioactive ingredient in the spice. Studies suggest that haldi can work as a natural immune booster and may also help fight viral infections.

# Garlic

Used in various dishes and most popular in chutneys, garlic packs quite a punch both in terms of its taste and health benefits. Garlic has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine and it is now also recommended in conventional medicine as a natural medicine to reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Many of the same compounds like allicin and other sulfur-containing compounds in garlic are thought to also give it immune-boosting properties, with some research also showing that it can help fight infections and speed recovery.

# Ginger

Ginger is another herb or rhizome that we frequently use in India to treat a variety of health conditions, especially coughs, colds, and the flu. The traditional use of ginger is supported by research, which has highlighted its anti-inflammatory properties, as well as its ability to fight disease-causing pathogens and support immunity. Adding ginger to your diet, whether when cooking dishes or as herbal tea will also yield other benefits as it is known to lower cholesterol levels.

# Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are commonly used as garnishing and can also be consumed as healthy snacks when roasted lightly. These seeds are nutrient-dense, containing vitamins B-6 and E, as well as important minerals like magnesium and phosphorus. All of these nutrients are known to play a critical role in the health of your immune system. Additionally, sunflower seeds are one of the best vegetarian sources of selenium, which has been shown to help fight off viral infections.
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