6 Natural Ways To Manage Mild Symptoms of Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease which manifests as red, flaky patches on the skin. Although seen to affect the skin, this illness actually begins in the immune system, in the T cells, to be specific. The T cells are responsible for protecting us from infection and disease. Sometimes these T cells become active erroneously and set off other immune responses in the body, leading to symptoms of psoriasis making an appearance on the skin. Although there isn’t a straight forward cure for psoriasis, there are many things that you can do to manage this illness.

# Moisturizing The Skin

Dry skin makes the irritation and itchiness worse. It’s a good idea to keep the skin moist at all times, when dealing with psoriasis. A good way of doing that would be to apply a thick lotion and seal the moisture with a coat of petroleum jelly or olive oil. Although during hot summer months, this may not work well and the thick creams mixed with sweat will make the itching worse. Also, it’s a good idea to seal in some water right after your bath by not rubbing your body with a towel, but just patting your skin with it followed by an application of a thick cream.

# Preventing Dry Skin

Invest in a humidifier to keep your home and office moist. It will prevent your skin from drying. This should be supplemented with moisturizers that are meant for sensitive skin that will help keep the skin moist and supple.

# Using Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements like fish oil, Vitamin D, aloe vera, Oregon grape or evening primrose oil are known to ease mild symptoms of this illness.

# Having A Warm Bath

While hot water may not be a great idea, a lukewarm bath with Epsom salt, milk or olive oil can help soothe itchy skin. It’s important to moisturize immediately after the bath. Also, it’s a good idea to limit showers and baths as they can strip the skin of natural oils. Bathing every other day or every third day should suffice, especially during the winter months.

# Turmeric

Turmeric is seen to reduce psoriasis flare-ups. It can be taken as a supplement or sprinkled over your food. The dosage limit approved by FDA per day is 1.5 to 3 grams.

# Avoiding Cigarettes

Smoking will aggravate your symptoms of psoriasis and make them more severe. It’s a good idea to try and quit the habit altogether.
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