6 Simple Home Remedies To Get Pink Lips

Do you want to get pink lips naturally and do away with those chapped lips? We’ve got you covered. In order to get rid of chapped lips, we must know what causes them. Lips are very delicate and have thinner skin compared to your face. Lips don’t have oil glands like other parts of the skin. Resultantly, lips are more susceptible to drying out and becoming chapped. Hence, they require special care every day. No, it doesn't require a lot of effort. It is as easy as brushing your teeth every day. But what causes dry and chapped lips? We have listed a few common reasons –

- Excessive licking of lips
- Exposure to sun and pollution
- Dehydration-drinking less water
- Breathing from mouth
- A diet lacking healthy fats
- Nutrient and vitamin deficiency- especially iron, zinc and vitamin B
- Smoking cigarettes

It is very important to give up these unhealthy habits and adopt healthy ones in order to make lips pink naturally. We tend to ignore these factors in the hustle bustle of our lives and end up with unhealthy lips. Getting natural pink lips back is not a difficult task and you will know how in the next section.

# Exfoliating Your Lips


rose petals


- Make a paste using one tablespoon of honey, grated cucumber, a few rose petals, sugar and one tablespoon of milk.

- Mix it well and leave it for ten minutes.

- Wash your lips and apply the paste on your lips gently using your finger.

- Leave it for 2-3 minutes and then gently rub your lips with your finger.

- Wipe it off.

- Wash your lips with lukewarm water and apply this homemade lip balm.

# Pomegranate Seeds And Milk


Two tablespoons of pomegranate seeds
pomegranate juice


- Take two tablespoons of pomegranate seeds and crush them.

- Add a tablespoon of pomegranate juice.

- Add two tablespoons of milk.

- Mix it well.

- Gently apply it on your lips with your finger in a circular motion and leave it for five minutes.

- Wash your lips with lukewarm water and apply lip balm.

# Lemon Juice Therapy


Lemon juice


- Squeeze a lemon and pour its juice in a bowl.

- Add a little glycerin and gently mix it.

- Take some cotton, dip it and apply it gently on your lips.

- Leave it to dry.

- Wash your lips and apply lip balm

# Olive Oil And Honey Mask


Olive oil


- Take a tablespoon olive oil and add honey to it.

- Mix it well.

- Apply it on your lips with your finger before going to bed.

- Wash your lips when you wake up.

- Apply lip balm.

# Cucumber Therapy


Cucumber juice


- Take a few cucumber slices and a little cucumber juice.

- Dip a cucumber slice into the juice and rub it over your lips gently.

- Repeat the process 4-5 times and leave it for 5 minutes.

- Wash your lips with lukewarm water and apply lip balm.

# Beetroot Juice Therapy




- Take some beetroot juice and apply it on your lips before sleeping at night.

- Leave it on your lips overnight.

- Wash your lips in the morning and apply lip balm.
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