7 Major Reasons Behind Dark Circles

Dark circles or periorbital hypermelanosis is a common problem. Every 9 out of 10 people complain of having dark circles. It is a difficult condition to completely correct but there are therapies to reduce its appearance. Dark circles give the face a tired and sad look and makes you appear older.

* Constant rubbing of eyes: it traumatises the skin around the eyes and leads to creation of fine lines.

* Allergies: Atopic dermatitis, asthma, sinusitis, rhinitis ,allergies to cosmetics or eye drops

* Sunken eyes, tear trough

* Sign of ageing: loss of elasticity of skin creates folds and makes the under eye area appear darker

* Superficial location of vasculature on skin under the eyes

* Pigment deposition in under eye skin

* Swelling under the eyes
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