7 Natural Remedies for Clear Blemish Free Skin

Clear blemish free skin looks healthy. There are various skin clearing treatments available which cost a lot of money so how about using the home remedies for blemish free skin with no marks and spots. Most of the teenagers face pimples marks while mature people have darker age spots. At times, we can experience spots and blemishes on the body like on arms, legs, neck and back which are visible when skin revealing clothes are worn. So, here are some natural skin care tips and remedies for blemish free skin

# Cleanser

Use a good cleanser like neem face wash or face wash that should do well for the oily skin as the primary reason for the skin blemishes is acne which should be avoided and taken care of.

# Castor oil remedies for marks

Marks and blemishes on the body can be faded with castor oil. It s enriched with nutrients which lighten the marks effectively. Apply castor oil on the marks on the body at night for a smoother blemish free skin.

# Almond oil for lines

Almond oil is high in Vitamin E which is an excellent skin nourisher and has antioxidants like polyphenols which not only keep the skin blemish free naturally but also aids in younger looking skin. Almond oil is not for oily skin for the facial use though can be used to get rid of the body marks and blemishes.

# Fade the marks with potato

Potato is a great remedy to lighten the pimple marks for a blemish free skin. Cut the potato into thin slices and rub the slices on the face and marks which are filled with the potato juices. Take some Potato juice and mix some lime juice into it. Apply on the spots at night and wash in the morning. This another great remedy to treat pimples marks for a blemish free skin. It also lightens the age spots.

# Honey and lemon juice for dark spots and marks

Mix some honey and lemon juice. Apply on the face and rinse after 20 minutes. This is good to get rid of acne spots and marks from the face and body. This mixture is known to lighten all those marks and spots due to acne. You just have to apply it daily.

# Aloe Vera gel for blemish free skin

Aloe vera is a natural skin healer and the capability to lighten the dark spots, blemishes and acne spots. Apply aloe vera gel for skin at night on the skin and wash in the morning. Mild massaging would be better. This is great for a youthful softer skin in winters also.
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