8 Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil for Skin and Hair

One can say that pumpkin is one of the most delicious vegetables available. It is commonly used in cooking various dishes and famously seen during Halloweens as a fancy jack-o-lantern. These pumpkins have many seeds which are thrown away because people are hardly aware of its nutritional values. Not only that, but it also has various skin & hair-friendly perks.

Pumpkin Seeds are crammed with nutrients like zinc, omega-3, omega 6, iron, calcium, amino acids and a variety of other essential vitamins and minerals. Consumption of pumpkin seeds at any point is necessary for improving the immune system, lowering cholesterol levels and preventing osteoporosis. Did you know that Zinc and Vitamin E are crucial for your skin and that is found in the Pumpkin Seed Oil? This oil aids in the production of not only new skin cells but also collagen. These traits are responsible for maintaining the resiliency of your skin.

The Pumpkin Seed Oil helps soothe, hydrate, protect and even renew your look, making it a great component for anti-ageing methods. All the great nutrients in pumpkin seeds make them a healthy, nutritious snack. Furthermore, it is a wonderful anti-ageing ingredient for skincare products.

# Increases Skin Firmness

Mainly, the nutritional benefits of Vitamin C and Zinc play a major role in firming up your skin and keeping it tight. No need to worry about saggy skin with few drops of Pumpkin Seed Oil.

# Blends Perfectly with Oily Skin

Excess of Sebum near your T-zone area might look messy. Pumpkin Seed Oil makes your skin non-greasy and provides a natural yet elegant shine.

# Filled with Antioxidants

High content of Vitamin C and Vitamin E work as a great antioxidant. Hence, Pumpkin Seed Oil helps to defend your skin from environmental stressors.

# Deep Hydration & Moisturization of Skin

Enriched with fatty acids, one of the important roles that Pumpkin Seed Oil plays is by offering total hydration and deep moisturization. Also, it balances excess of sebum for oily skin users and moisturizes skin for dry and sensitive skin users.

# Soothes skin tone

A skin saver for people with sensitive skin tone as it clears out blemishes and locks away acne from your skin.

# Aids in Cell Regeneration

The essence of Vitamin A boosts the production of cell - regeneration. It also assists in solving existing skin problems.

# Controls Hair loss

Regular usage of the Pumpkin Seed Oil controls the chances of hair loss and hair fall. The vital nutrients in this oil make your hair softer and smoother.

# Stimulates Hair Growth

The application of pumpkin seed oil ensures healthy, shiny and thick hair. Just add a few drops of pumpkin seed oil to your hair. It will not only stimulate hair growth, but will also help you get rid of premature balding.
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