8 Home Remedies To Treat Hair Fall Post Pregnancy

Nature has its ways to keep you looking great through the nine months. Weight gain aside, expecting mothers have beautiful skin and hair. However, once the baby comes along, the estrogen levels start falling and your hormones get all over the place. It might be extremely distressing to see hair falling out every time you run a comb through it. While not every new mother goes through it, post-partum hair loss is quite common. Read on to find out how you can tackle hair loss after pregnancy.

# Food, food, baby!

What you eat is what you are – the wise people say. So opt for plenty of green leafy veggies, sprouts, nuts and fruits – all of which are loaded with the much-needed vitamins and antioxidants. Colorful vegetables and fruits are your best friends!

# Don’t slack off on the supplements

Right through pregnancy you have been diligently taking your multivitamins, folic acid, calcium and other supplements. Keep having these through your nursing days and for as long as your doctor advises. They provide all the key nutrients that your hair needs to stay strong and healthy

# A kitchen boon

A kitchen staple, fenugreek (methi) seeds can come to your rescue. In fact, they work like a charm.

- Soak methi seeds in water overnight
- Strain and apply the water on your scalp for an hour
- Wash with your usual shampoo and conditioner
- Apply once a week to see a noticeable decrease in your hair fall
- Check with a doctor and use a milder conditioner if necessary

# Don’t pull and stretch

Fond of high ponytails and braids? Go easy on your hair for a while.

- Choose hairstyles that don’t require the hair to be pulled tightly as this can cause stress to the hair and hurt the scalp too
- Give those flat irons, curling irons and rollers a break and go natural
- Get an easy-to-manage haircut and trim regularly to keep split ends at bay
- Get loose, fabric scrunchies instead of tight elastic rubber bands

# Pack a punch

We know what you’re thinking: where’s the time to shower, hair packs are distant dreams! But we promise, these are really simple. Hair packs work really well to curtail hair fall

# Dahi to the rescue

Curd is a superb conditioner that promotes hair growth. Just apply it on your scalp for 5 to 10 minutes and wash off

# Eggy pack

You may also try this: Mix one egg white and three teaspoons of olive oil and leave it on for half an hour. Use lukewarm water to wash your hair with your usual shampoo and conditioner

# Last but not the least

Stress has never helped anyone. Avoid stress as much as possible and pamper yourself, mamas. A little bit of self-care goes a long way in keeping you healthy and happy. If you do feel that the hair fall is excessive, and doesn’t seem to reduce after a while, consult your doctor and get your thyroid levels checked.
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