8 Turmeric Face Mask To Get Rid of Pimples

Turmeric has been used since ancient times in India as a wonder ingredient to treat multiple health issues. It has been considered sacred in Ayurveda and is widely used in rituals and in alternative medicine across India.

This ingredient is indispensable when it comes to cooking in India and in the same way natural medicine like ayurveda make use of its antibiotic and healing properties to treat a variety of health problems.

When it comes to beauty, it is widely used in face packs and ubtans to brighten, lighten, to get rid of acne scars and discoloration. People in the west use it on a regular basis to even out their skin and reduce hyperpigmentation.

Turmeric when used correctly can get rid of acne and pimples with its antibiotic and healing properties.

In this post, we are going to show you 8 Ways To Use Turmeric for Removing Pimples. You can use either the regular one or kasturi manjal or ambi haldi from your local beauty store to make these masks.

# Turmeric and curd:

This is probably the easiest mask that you can whip up. You just need two ingredients – turmeric and curd. Curd is rich in lactic acid which exfoliates skin gently, it sloughs away dead skin cells to reveal brighter skin. Combined with turmeric, it will work on pimples and get rid them of faster. To make this mask, take 1 tsp of turmeric and 2 tsp of thick curd. Mix well to make a smooth paste, apply all over the face and neck, and keep for just 15 minutes. Do this for one week and you will see that the pimples have disappeared and your face would look brighter and there would be no tan on your face.

# Turmeric and Honey Mask:

This is another easy-to-use face pack for pimples. You just need 1 tsp of turmeric and 2 tsp of honey. Turmeric and honey both have strong anti-microbial properties and fight pimples together. Honey also helps in healing acne and reducing inflammation.

# Turmeric and Mint Juice Mask:

Mint is a great ingredient to use in face pack along with turmeric. Mint brightens complexion, calms and soothes inflammation and pimples, and hydrates and tones skin. To make this mask, add 2 tsp of fresh mint juice with 1 tsp of turmeric. Add a bit of honey if you want. Apply this mask on skin and keep it for 15 minutes. Rinse off and pat dry your skin. Do this thrice a week.

# Turmeric and olive oil:

Contary to popular belief, olive oil will not cause acne, in fact, it will help you get rid of them. Olive oil can deeply cleanse the skin. To make this mask, take 1 tsp of turmeric and add 2 tsp of cold-pressed olive oil. Apply on the face and keep for half an hour. Rinse off and pat dry your skin. Do this twice a week.

# Turmeric, Egg White, Honey and Lemon Mask:

Egg whites have an enzyme called lysozyme that fights acne-causing microbes. Turmeric, as you all know, is a strong antioxidant. Egg white also helps to tighten and firm skin. So, this is a good anti-ageing mask as well. To make this face pack, combine 1 tsp of turmeric, one full egg white, 1 tsp of honey, and just a small squeeze of lemon. Mix well and apply on the skin for 15 minutes. Do this three times a week.

# Turmeric and Aloe Vera Face Pack:

Turmeric and aloe vera both have anti-bacterial, anti-ageing properties. Aloe vera with turmeric can do wonders for your skin. Mix 2 tsp of turmeric with 4 tsp of aloe vera. Mix well and apply all over face and neck. Rinse off after 15 minutes.

# Turmeric, Orange Powder, and Honey:

This is a face brightening and lightening pack as well. Orange peel powder has high vitamin C content and along with turmeric and honey, it will not only get rid of acne, it will clear up acne scars too with regular use. To make this face pack, mix 1 tsp of turmeric with 1 tsp of orange peel powder, and 2 tsp of honey. Apply on the face and keep for 20 minutes.

# Neem leaves and Turmeric:

Needless to say, this is a potent acne and pimple mask. It will clear away acne and cystic breakouts in very little time. Mix 1 tsp of turmeric with 1 tsp of dry neem leaves powder. Add a bit of rose water to make a smooth paste. Apply thrice of week to get rid of acne completely.
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