9 Beauty Benefits of Using Shikakai Powder for Strong and Healthy Hair

It’s just amazing how miraculous ingredients we have from our ancient history, which are very beneficial for taking care of hair and skin. One is Shikakai powder benefits for hair. Shikakai is an Ayurvedic powder found very commonly in India. It is used as a hair cleanser and also helps to take care of our blood pressure. Rich in antioxidants and vitamin A, C, K and D Shikakai nourishes your hair and also cleanse the scalp.

You can even make homemade shikakai powder for hair growth. This was the main ingredient in our grandmother’s beauty regime. 100% natural and herbal powder, Shikakai is very beneficial for both skin and hair. Let’s check out how we can use shikakai powder for hair.

# Helps in hair growth

A perfect ayurvedic ingredient to help promote hair growth. Shikakai has a hair growth-promoting property that helps in healthy hair growth.

# Soothes the scalp

A healthy scalp is free from any bacteria and infection. The antibacterial and antifungal property of Shikakai helps to soothe scalp inflammation and restore scalp health.

# Removes dandruff

With its anti-fungal property, Shikakai powder prevents the occurrence of dandruff and follicle-clogging. It also reduces dryness and hair itching.

# Nourishes hair follicles

Loaded with vitamin C and antioxidant, Shikakai powder helps to boost scalp collagen, which nourishes hair follicles and prevent hair from free radical damage.

# Imparts shine in hair

You must have seen how shiny your grandmother’s hair is, the reason is they used to apply Shikakai powder in their hair. It prevents the hair from the tangle and gives your hair a perfect shine.

# Prevents premature greying

Shikakai powder comes in a natural colour. It helps to remove premature greying of hair. Wash your hair before, you use shikakai powder it helps in the better absorbent of the dye.

# Reduces hair loss

A hair problem which bothers everyone, no matter it is a man and woman. Shikakai is a natural ingredient that helps to restore the scalp’s health and reduce hair loss. It helps to solve aggravated issues like dandruff, clogging, itching, which leads to hair loss.

# No more lice

Lice have the capacity to get doubled in just a week’s time. They get stuck in hair and destroy the texture of hair. Shikakai is one natural solution to get rid of lice. It not only keeps them away but also prevents their occurrence.

# No drier scalp

Shikakai works like a magic on dry scalp. It acts as a natural cleanser, without ripping away the natural oil from the scalp.
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