Amazing Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar for Healthy Hair

Vinegar made using crushed apples, sugar and yeast; Apple cider vinegar contains nutrients that are essential like, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and vitamin c. Along with these, it is also a natural source of acetic acid, biotin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, calcium, iron, magnesium, niacin, potassium, and sodium phosphorus.

Since ages, people have been using apple cider vinegar in their dishes and as a curing element and a mixture of honey and vinegar was used as a healing elixir and an energizing drink. Apple cider vinegar for hair treatment is an old and established grandma’s remedy. It is a one-stop solution for various hair troubles, and it works for all hair types. A natural conditioner, it has antimicrobial properties, and apple cider vinegar for hair fall troubles works just perfectly.

* Cleanses the hair

Lots of chemical residues tend to build up in our hair over time due to the usage of hair products like shampoos, masks, gels. These residues over time damage our hair and may make them seem lifeless. Apple cider vinegar has been widely acknowledged to cleanse our hair thoroughly and restore the life into the hair.

* Anti-fungal and Anti-Bacterial Properties

The apple cider vinegar is considered to be a great antimicrobial because of its natural acidic nature. This property of the apple cider vinegar helps it to act effectively against bacteria and fungus. Thus, it is a great a remedy for scalp infections, and it will also help in the soothing of irritated skin.

* Helps Balance pH Levels

Hair’s pH level is in between 4.5 and 5.5, and at this level of acidity, the scalp is safe against fungal and bacterial growth, which keeps hair and scalp very healthy. The apple cider vinegar has high acetic acid content and helps in maintaining the ideal pH value of the human hair.

* Helps Enhance Curls

Apple cider vinegar encourages your hair to absorb more moisture, and when the curls are adequately hydrated and conditioned, are much less frizzy and have a uniform curl pattern.

* Relief from Dandruff and Itchy Scalp

The enzymes and acids present in apple cider vinegar help kill this bacterium named bottle bacillus that clogs hair follicles and causes dandruff, flakes, itches and hair fall.

* Helps Detangle Hair

Apple cider vinegar is one of those rare ingredients that can detangle hair very easily. It is so effective in detangling of hair because of its natural acidic nature which helps the cuticle to be smoothened and easily gets rid of knots and tangles and helps you brush the hair very easily.

* Prevent Split Ends & Breakage

Apple cider vinegar naturally removes tangles from your hair, smoothens down the cuticles, improves porosity and encourages stronger strands; all of which finally lead to a reduction in split ends and breakage.

* Stimulate Hair Growth & Prevent Hair Loss

One of the main reason for hair loss is that it is not getting the nutrients that are essential for it. This is caused by poor blood circulation which carries these nutrients to the hair follicles. Apple cider vinegar can be used to stimulate the blood circulation to hair follicles which will result in lesser hair loss.

* For Hair Extensions

Apple cider vinegar is very effective for cleaning your hair extensions as most of the residue in them is of alkaline nature, and the acidic nature of apple cider vinegar acts well against them.

* Helps to Control Head Lice

According to one study, apple cider vinegar had a significant effect on participants who were infested with head lice and reported symptoms like that of itchy scalp, redness, flakiness, and dryness. The symptoms were reduced noticeably with just 1 to 3 treatments with apple cider vinegar done five days apart.
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