DIY Recipe To Darken Your Skin Naturally

Most of us abhor pale skin. It can make you look ghastly and ill. A bit of healthy color or a sun-kissed glow is all the rave right now! Sadly, most of us resort to tanning beds or spray tan and other tanning products, which can come with negative side effects! Brace yourself because this article will show you how to darken your skin naturally! You know how they say eating too many carrots can make your skin orange?! Well, there is some truth to that! Eating a large amount of foods like carrots, sweet potatoes and tomatoes can give your skin a hint of orange coloring that can give the illusion of tanned skin. The best way to get vegetables like carrots into your diet is by juicing them!

Not a fan of carrots, tomatoes or veggies in general? Not to worry! Supplements are your solution! High quality vitamins containing beta carotene can help you achieve a natural dark complexion. It doesn’t get any easier than this! Sunshine is your number one friend when it comes to darkening the skin naturally. When sunlight hits your skin, it causes your skin cells to produce melanin. And the more melanin you have, the darker your skin is. Just make sure to wear suitable SPF to prevent sun burns. Sun before 11am and after 4pm is best for safe skin tanning.


¼ cup of emu oil
¼ cup of aloe vera gel
½ cup of strong black tea


* Begin by preparing your black tea. It has to be strong so use 3 – 4 tea bags. Bring ½ a cup of water to a boil and steep your tea bags in the water for about 15 minutes.

* Allow your tea to cool down.

* Now blend your black tea, aloe vera gel and emu oil in a blender until you create a smooth mixture.

* Apply this tanning oil onto your skin right before you step out into the sun or while tanning. It’s totally natural and safe so you don’t have to worry about toxins and harmful ingredients
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