7 Effective Home Remedies To Treat Hair Fall During Winters

During the winter season, many people experience an increase in hair fall due to various factors, such as dry and cold weather, reduced humidity, and changes in lifestyle and diet. This can be a concern for both men and women, as excessive hair fall can lead to thinning and weakened hair. However, there are several remedies and practices that can help combat hair fall during the winter months and maintain healthy, lustrous locks. The arrival of winter also brings with it an opportunity to test your endurance. It's the endurance required for patiently wielding a hairbrush, as the frustration can mount when your locks become ensnared among the bristles. Fluctuating seasons can exert an influence on your hair's well-being, which in turn can have a direct bearing on your daily hair shedding. But, is this a matter of concern, or can we remain unruffled? To begin with, let's delve into the intricacies of the hair growth cycle.

Once your hair transitions into the telogen phase, it's expected to shed for approximately 100 days, at an average rate of 100 strands per day. Losing around 100 strands daily is entirely within the bounds of normalcy, as long as your hair regenerates, considering that the average scalp typically houses around 100,000 hairs.

Upon completing these three stages, we progress into the exogen phase. During this stage, hair strands are released from the follicles and naturally fall out, initiating the entire hair growth cycle anew.

If you find yourself experiencing more significant hair loss than your usual rate, there are strategies to mitigate it, particularly during the winter months. While achieving your ideal hair may not happen overnight, with conscientious steps, you can indeed showcase your beautiful hair without the anxiety of winter-related hair loss. But why does our hair tend to fall out more during the winter, and why should we be especially attentive to hair care in the colder seasons? Let's explore these questions.

# Pumpkin Seed Oil Recipe

To create this remedy, combine 100 grams of powdered pumpkin seeds with 200ml of either mustard or coconut oil. Warm the mixture and introduce 100 grams of amla chunks (Indian gooseberry). After the blend has cooled to room temperature, generously apply it to your scalp and throughout your hair strands.

Pumpkin seeds contain cucurbitacin, a unique amino acid known for promoting hair growth, making it a valuable ingredient for combating winter hair fall.

# Coconut and Lemon Fusion

In a container, take 50ml of coconut oil, adjusting the quantity as needed for your hair's length. Add an equal measure of sesame oil and include 25ml of castor oil. Gently heat these oils and blend in two teaspoons of lemon juice. Once the oil has cooled, apply it to your hair and scalp.

Coconut oil, rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin A, proves to be an effective solution for reducing hair fall, especially during the winter season. The citric acid in lemon helps prevent hair follicles from weakening, ultimately putting a stop to hair loss.

# Natural apple serum

Use 3 tbsp green apple pulp and warm it up with one cup of coconut water for a few minutes. You can also add strained rice water to it. Lastly, add a Vitamin E capsule in it. Once settled down, mix the concoction will and apply it like your regular hair serum.

# Hot Oil Treatments

- Warm up oils such as coconut, olive, almond, or castor oil.
- Gently massage the warm oil into your scalp.
- Leave it on for at least 30 minutes or overnight.
- Shampoo your hair as usual.

# Aloe Vera Gel

- Apply fresh aloe vera gel to your scalp and hair.
- Leave it on for about 45 minutes and then rinse.
- Aloe vera can help nourish the scalp and strengthen hair.

# Onion Juice

- Extract juice from an onion and apply it to your scalp.
- Leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash your hair.
- Onion juice can promote hair growth and reduce hair fall.

# Egg Mask

- Beat an egg and apply it to your scalp.
- Leave it on for 20-30 minutes and then wash with cool water.
- Eggs are rich in protein, which can strengthen hair.
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