Homemade Charcoal Face Mask for Acne

Acne is a common skin condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are many treatments available to address acne, some individuals prefer to use natural remedies to help clear up their skin. One popular option is a homemade charcoal face mask, which can help to detoxify the skin, exfoliate dead skin cells, and remove impurities that can contribute to breakouts. Made with activated charcoal, bentonite clay, and other natural ingredients, this face mask can be a powerful tool in the fight against acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and other common skin concerns. In addition to its detoxifying properties, charcoal also has anti-inflammatory benefits that can help to soothe redness and irritation associated with acne. Whether you are looking for a natural alternative to traditional acne treatments or simply want to give your skin a boost, a homemade charcoal face mask can be a great option.

In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of using a charcoal face mask for acne, as well as provide tips on how to make and use this effective skincare treatment at home.


3 teaspoons of activated charcoal
2 tablespoons of organic cocoa butter
1 tablespoon of organic shea butter
2 cups of liquid castile soap
2 tablespoons of glycerine
10 drops of vitamin e – or 1 Vitamin E capsule
3 teaspoons of bentonite clay
20 drops of lavender essential oil
20 drops of rosemary essential oil
10 drops of tea tree essential oil
5 drops of peppermint essential oil


* First, you need to melt cocoa butter and shea butter.

* You can use a double boiler for this purpose. When cocoa butter and shea butter melts, transfer them in a clean bowl.

* Add vitamin E and glycerine to this mixture.

* Then, add activated charcoal and bentonite clay and combine all the ingredients.

* After that you need to add castile soap.

* Add lavender essential oil, rosemary essential oil, tea tree essential oil and peppermint essential oil and mix all the ingredients.

* Transfer the mixture into a clean container. Your homemade charcoal face mask for acne is ready.

How To Use

Before using this amazing mask, you need to clean your face. You can use your homemade face cleaner for this purpose. Also, you can apply a homemade toner to maximise the effect. When you skin is clean, apply the mask to your face. You can use your fingers or a brush. Try to apply an even layer and avoid your eye area.

Once you apply this charcoal face mask for acne, you need to wait. Wait for 10-15 minutes. When the mask is dry, you need to wash it with warm water. After cleaning the mask, apply your moisturiser. This is the essential step to keep your skin hydrated.

You can use this mask two or three time per week. This mask will work like the perfect exfoliator. Once you regularly use it, you will see that your acne will reduce. Since activated charcoal is an amazing exfoliator, all the dirt and oil on your skin will go away.
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