Making Body Butter at Home- Easy Ways

Body butter are the lightest version of body moisturizers and even can spread on body easily. Preparing Body Butter at home is an easy task. And, it is indeed an chemical free solution to protect your skin. Let`s try the recipe to make body butter at home.


    Shea butter  1 small cup
    Cocoa butter 1 small cup
    Coconut oil 1 small cup
    Almond/ olive oil 1 small cup
    30 to 40 drops of essential oil of your choice (Go for some mild fragrance)
    Hand beater
    a clean glass jar

Remember the amount of the ingredients may vary with the amount of body butter you would want to make.


1. Put all the ingredients except for the essential oil in a double boiler(If you don’t have one, simply boil some water in big vessel and place another empty vessel on top of that, while the water is boiling). Let all the ingredients melt and mix well.

2. Take the vessel down and let it cool a bit. Once it is cooled a bit add essential oil, if you’re using one.

3. Mix well and place it into the fridge for around an hour.

4. Take it out from the fridge and beat it for around 10 to 15 mins, till it is fluffy.

5. Put it into the jar and place the jar into the fridge again for 10 to 15 mins.

Use is as you’d use your moisturiser or lotion and feel the difference for yourself. Try this out at home and let us know how did you like it in the comments section below.
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