5 Tips To Get Naturally Glowing Skin Using Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, a succulent plant, has found its way into various beauty care products. This remarkable plant is renowned for its gel and juice, widely utilized for both medicinal and skincare purposes. Packed with polysaccharides, lectins, and minerals, aloe vera offers numerous benefits for the skin, hair, and overall health. The gel from aloe vera provides essential hydration for dry and chapped skin, making it a go-to solution for achieving beautiful and nourished skin. Explore the various ways you can enhance your skin's beauty with the natural goodness of aloe vera.

# Aloe vera gel and coconut oil massage gel for dry skin

Coconut oil when mixed with aloe vera gel is ideal to impart glow and give suppleness to the dry face. Aloe vera gel is loaded with variety of nutrients while coconut oil is one of the best skin moisturizer so why not take the benefits of both of them.

- Mix 1 teaspoonful of aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoonful of coconut oil.
- Mix them well as they will not be mixed up well like a homogenous mixture but the mixture will be fine to use.
- Then take some of this dry skin care mixture and gently massage on the face and neck.
- Please not that this is for the dry skin types that lacks glow. Gently massage and leave overnight for good results.

# Aloe vera gel with curd for glow

Another remedy with aloe vera for glowing face can be made with using cud. Curd is high on milk proteins and lactic acid. Lactic acid gently loosens the dead skin and impurities off the face. This wonderful pack of aloe vera and curd is suitable for all the skin type in adding a luster and glow on the facial skin.

- Just mix both the ingredients. i.e. aloe vera gel and curd in equal amount.
- Mix up well and you will get a smooth paste.
- Apply that on the face and keep for 20 minutes.
- After that wash this directly with normal water or wipe with a cloth first then wash the face. This pack will also give fairness to the skin.

# Aloe Vera juice and sugar scrub for glowing skin

A simple way to get instant glow on the face can be first to scrub then give intense moisturization. These two steps are also used in the skin facial procedure. So, here we have given a recipe of a quick facial for you where you will need 2 things, aloe vera gel and some fine sugar.

- Mix 2 teaspoonful of aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoonful of fine sugar .
- Mix up thoroughly and apply that on the face.
- Using your fingers massage the face and keep massaging for 2-3 minutes.
- Then lave this scrub pack on the face for another 20 minutes. After that you can wash the face.
- This will give a great glow and radiance to the skin.

# Aloe vera and besan face pack for beautiful face

Besan or gram flour is one of the most amazing ingredient that is found in our kitchen. It is good to give a fairer looking skin and adds a subtle glow as well. So, when this gram flour is added with aloe vera gel the benefits just doubles.

- To prepare a besan aloe vera gel mask, you need to just take 2 teaspoonful of besan.
- Add that much of aloe vera gel in that it will be sufficient to make a paste.
- Apply this paste on the face and leave for 15 minutes.
- Then wash off and pat dry.
- Apply 2 drops of aloe vera gel afterwards for moisturization as besan also exfoliates the skin mildly.

# Aloe vera gel and lemon juice treatment for glow

This treatment with aloe vera gel for glowing skin is mostly for the oily, acne prone skin or combination skin.

- Mix 1 teaspoonful of aloe vera gel with half teaspoonful of lemon juice.
- Massage the face with this and leave for 20 minutes.
- Then wash the face like usual.
- After washing this treatment off the face apply 2-3 drops of oil free moisturiser so that the skin gets supple.
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