Painless and Safe Ways to Get Rid of Blackheads

Getting rid of blackheads is next to impossible task to many people. It is a very common problem and dont worry, you can really get rid of them easily too. Blackheads is a common skin problem among both men and women. These are basically the small bumps on our skin that are caused due to clogged hair follicles. Blackheads normally appear on nose, chin, back, chest and even in arms. It is most common among those with oily skin. The common way to remove blackheads is by using the blackhead remover tool, but considering the pain it causes many of us avoid that. But these home remedies for blackheads are painless and safe to use. Plus they are inexpensive!

# Aloe Vera

Lets start our list of home remedies for blackheads with aloe vera. Excess sebum production is one of the main reason behind getting blackheads. Aloe vera has oil controlling properties which is the main reason why it is considered as one of the best home remedies for blackheads. Plus it also soothes our skin and detoxifies the pores. As a result, it helps to control blackheads as well as acne.

How to use aloe vera to remove blackheads

- You need to have fresh aloe vera gel in order to use it. So get an aloe vera leaf, cut it in half and then extract the gel. Apply it on the face, specially on the areas where you get blackheads. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then wash off with luke warm water. Repeat this blackhead treatment everyday for best results. This is one of the best home remedies for blackheads for all skin types.

- Add few drops of lavender essential oil with some aloe vera gel and a tbsp of egg white. Mix together and prepare your own DIY blackhead removal face mask. Apply on the face, let it dry and then wash off. This face mask will tighten the pores and in the process, remove the blackheads.

# Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid. Due to this acidic properties, it helps to break down the build up at the opening of the hair follicles. Also, ACV is very effective in maintaining the pH balance of the skin which is the secret to prevent blackheads and acne. Now check out below how to use apple cider vinegar in home remedies for blackheads.

How to use apple cider vinegar as home remedies for blackheads

- Apple cider vinegar can be diluted with water and used as a face toner. Using apple cider vinegar toner every time after you wash the face on regular basis is very effective in removing blackheads.

- Mix a tsp of clay powder with required amount of apple cider vinegar and then apply this mask on the face. You can, alternatively, use this mask on those areas of the face affected by blackheads. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then wash off with luke warm water. This face pack of clay powder and apple cider vinegar can do wonders for our skin. It can also help to get rid of the blackheads as well as unclog the pores and prevents the future occurrence of blackheads and acne.

- Here is another amazing home remedies for blackheads using apple cider vinegar. Mix 3 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar and some mint leaves in a bottle and then keep it in a cool, dark place for a week. After that, strain the liquid and then add a cup of water to it to prepare DIY toner to get rid of blackheads. Store it in the refrigerator. Use this apple cider vinegar toner every night before going to bed on clear skin and leave it on overnight. Rinse off with plain water next morning.

# Egg White

Next on our list of home remedies for blackheads comes egg white. Egg white is very effective in controlling the excess oiliness of the face. Plus it also can tighten the pores. Albumin, present in egg white is one such compound which helps in pore tightening.

How to use egg white to get rid of blackheads

Below you will find out how to use egg white in couple of home remedies for blackheads.

- Whisk one egg white until it becomes soft and smooth. To this, add a tsp of fresh lemon juice. Apply this egg white mask on the blackhead affected areas and allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes. Once it gets dry, gently peel it upwards and wash the face with cold water. This is a very simple yet effective home remedies for blackheads. Lemon juice has anti-bacterial properties. Plus, it also helps to shrink pores and thus get rid of the blackheads as well as brighten the complexion.

- Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 egg white. Apply it all over the face and then wait till it becomes dry. Wash off with luke warm water. Repeat this egg white mask once or twice in a week to keep the skin free from blackheads. This is one of the best Home Remedies for Blackheads for oily and combination skin.

# Cinnamon

Cinnamon is a great natural ingredient for our skin. It has natural anti bacterial properties which helps to eliminate the blackheads. Moreover cinnamon also helps in pore tightening. It is also a great ingredient to improve blood circulation and get healthy and glowing skin.

How to use cinnamon as Home Remedies for Blackheads

- Take 1-2 tbsp cinnamon powder in a bowl and add required amount of lemon juice to make a thick paste. Apply it only over the blackhead affected areas. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes and then rinse it off. Repeat this treatment 2-3 times per week.

- You can also make your own blackhead removal strip at home using cinnamon powder and honey. Here is how – Mix together 1 tsp of cinnamon powder and a tbsp honey to make a runny paste. Spread it carefully over the blackheads affected areas and then place a clear cotton strip over it. Let it be like this for 10-12 minutes and then carefully peel away the cotton strip to remove the blackheads from the skin.

- Mix together a tsp of cinnamon powder with lime juice and turmeric powder. Apply it over the blackheads and let it stay overnight. Wash off in the morning. Doing this on regular basis will help to keep the skin clean and clear.

# Strawberry

The acidic property of strawberries makes it a great natural exfoliator for our skin. The AHA present in strawberry detoxifies the pores and removes the blackheads effectively. Strawberries also contain vitamin C which works as a natural astringent and helps in shrinking the pores. Fresh strawberries and strawberry leaves are high in salicylic acid which works amazingly to get rid of dead skin cells that clog the pores and cause blackheads. It also minimizes the size of pores and adds a fresh, radiant glow to the skin. Furthermore, the antioxidants and various vitamins and nutrients in strawberries are very effective in repairing damaged skin including acne scars. Strawberry leaves also have anti-inflammatory properties which help to fight against blackheads, acne and other skin conditions.

How to use strawberry to treat blackheads

- Crush 1-2 strawberries to make a pulp and add half tsp each of honey and lemon juice to it. Mix well and make a paste. Apply a layer of this face mask on the face and then wait for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with plain cold water. Using this face mask once in every 2-3 days will give desired result.

- Mash 3-4 ripe strawberries with a fork in a bowl and add a tsp of dry oatmeal to the mashed strawberries. Wash your face with warm water and mild face wash. Do not pat dry your face. Apply the mask and then massage gently. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

- Cut 2-3 ripe strawberries in small pieces and put them in a food processor. To this add 1/4 cup cornstarch, 1/4 cup low-fat milk and also a tbsp of organic honey. Mix all the ingredients to form a paste. Apply it gently all over the face avoiding the eye area. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes and wash off with fresh cold water.

# Turmeric

Turmeric has natural anti septic properties which makes turmeric a great ingredient for breakout prone skin. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is very effective in getting rid of the bacteria present in our skin pores. Plus the anti inflammatory and anti oxidant properties of turmeric also help to get rid of blackheads and make the skin clean and clear. Below we have discussed how to use turmeric in home remedies for blackheads.

How to use turmeric to remove blackheads

- Mix together small quantities of turmeric and coconut oil and prepare a paste. Apply a thin layer of this turmeric face mask onto the blackhead affected areas. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off. Try to avoid the regular turmeric as it can cause a yellow stain to the face. You can go for Kasturi turmeric to avoid yellow stain.

- Take a pinch of turmeric and some red sandalwood powder. Add in required amount of milk to make a smooth paste. Spread it over the areas of the face where you get blackheads. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash off with plain water.

- Get some fresh mint leaves and make mint juice out of it. In 2 tbsp of fresh mint juice, add some turmeric powder and make a paste. Apply this turmeric paste over the blackhead affected parts and let it dry. Rinse off with luke warm water, pat dry and apply some moisturizer. Home remedies for blackheads using turmeric work best when applied on regular basis.

# Honey

Honey is a miraculous ingredient for our skin. Therefore, no wonder that it is regarded as one of the best natural treatment for blackheads. Honey has the ability to keep the skin moisturized without making it oily. It actually can balance out the oiliness of the skin and thus helps to prevent blackheads. The anti bacterial properties of honey play a vital role in removing blackheads. Also it tightens the pores and minimizes the chances of getting blackheads in future.

How to use honey to treat blackheads

- Take 2 tbsp of baking soda, 1 tbsp of honey and some lemon juice and mix everything nicely to prepare a thick paste. Apply a layer of this face mask on the areas affected by blackheads. Allow it to sit for 15-20 minutes and remove it while exfoliating the skin. Baking soda is a well-known natural exfoliator which helps to uproot the blackheads and leave you with clean and clear skin.

- Check out another super effective home remedies for blackheads with honey. Take 1 tbsp raw honey and 1 tsp of milk and mix both of them. Microwave the mixture for 5-10 seconds. Take it out and again stir well. Let it reach room temperature. Then spread a thin layer of this mixture on the blackheads affected areas of your face. Next, place a clear cotton strip over it. Wait for 20-25 minutes and then carefully peel away the strip. Rinse off with cold water.

- In a bowl, take a tsp of each honey, milk, turmeric powder. Add juice of half lime and mix all the ingredients nicely. Apply and leave it on the face for 12-15 minutes. Wash off with plain cold water. Regular application is the secret to get blackhead-free skin. These are some of the amazing home remedies for blackheads using honey.

# Fenugreek

Next on our list of best home remedies for blackheads comes fenugreek. Fenugreek or methi contains powerful antioxidants which is responsible for its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. It has amazing healing properties which can heal skin conditions like eczema, acne etc. This herb has the ability to draw out toxin from the skin and that’s why it works great in removing blackheads from the sebaceous ducts of the skin. Find out below how you can use fenugreek.

How to use fenugreek or methi in home remedies for blackheads

- Soak some methi seeds in water overnight. The next morning grind the seeds with a tbsp of organic honey. Once you obtain a smooth paste, spread it all over your clean face and massage in circular motion. Wait for 15-20 minutes before you rinse it off. Follow this remedy once or twice a week until the blackheads disappear.

- Alternatively, you can also use fenugreek leaves as home remedies for blackheads. All you need to do is put some fresh methi leaves in a blender and add some water. Blend until you get a smooth paste. Apply this on the areas of the face where you tend to get blackheads. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then wash off with plain water.

# Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is like a do-it-all ingredient for our skin. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic as well as works as an astringent which helps to cut down the extra oil on the face. The citric acid present in lemon juice helps to break down the blockage at the opening of the hair follicles and thus, eliminates the blackheads. Also, vitamin C present in lemon juice helps in pore-tightening and minimizes the chance of re-occurrence of the blackheads.

How to use lemon juice in home remedies for blackheads

Mix together equal amount of rosewater and lemon juice and apply it on the blackheads affected parts of the face. Leave it on for some time and wash off. Regular application guarantees clean and clear skin.

# Tomatoes

We are going to end this list of best home remedies for blackheads with tomatoes. The natural anti bacterial properties of tomatoes effectively dry out the blackheads. Plus it contains lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant and very effective in repairing the damages of the skin. Vitamin C in tomatoes helps in tightening the pores and thus, neutralizes the chance of getting blackheads in future.

How to use tomatoes in home remedies for blackheads

Prepare a face mask by combining equal amounts of mashed tomato and mashed avocado. You can use tomato pulp as well. Apply it on the face, with special attention given to the areas where you tend to get more blackheads. Let it sit for 20 minutes and wash off with plain water. Do it 2-3 times in a week to combat blackheads.
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