Some Great Home Remedies To Treat Yellow Nails

We all love beautifully manicured and pedicured hands and feet, but habitually lose out on taking care of our nails. Our neglect ensues the weak health of our nails, often turning it yellow and ugly. We might not even know what our nails are trying to indicate by changing its color. Here is a short account that would help you understand what your frail nails are craving and how you can bring them back to gorgeousness.

Unhealthy diet often results in lack in nutrients that also brings discoloration to your nails. If your diet has deficiency in calcium and vitamins, your hair and nails will give you the first indications. Liver, kidney, and lungs diseases also result in yellowed nails. Poor hygiene and leaving the corner of the nails damp leads to fungal infections that would gradually discolor your nails.

Here are a few quick and easy treatment options for discolored nails that you can try with ingredients found in your kitchen.

Lemon juice

What all you need:

Lemon juice
Lukewarm water
A soft toothbrush


- Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a bowl of lukewarm water.
- Dip your hands into this bowl for 5 to 10 minutes.
- With the soft toothbrush scrub off the yellowish nails.
- Now wash it off with plain water and follow up the process with a heavy moisturizer.

How it works: Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and can effectively clean off yellow stains from your nails. Plus, lemon juice also works as an astringent.

Hydrogen Peroxide

What all you need:

Four tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
Half cup water
Soft toothbrush


- Mix the hydrogen peroxide with water and dip your hands for 5 minutes.
- Again, repeat the scrubbing process with toothbrush softly
- Follow up with moisturizer.

How it works: The whitening properties of Hydrogen Peroxide work wonders on yellow stained nails.

Whitening toothpaste

What all you need:

Whitening Toothpaste
A soft toothbrush


- Squeeze out some toothpaste on your nailbeds and spread it evenly along the nail bed.
-bAfter a minute rub the nails with toothbrush.
- End the treatment by rinsing off with water and apply some cream on the nails and fingers.

How it works:
Toothpaste that can whiten your teeth is strong enough to fight the yellowness out of your nails.

Baking soda

What all you need:

Half tablespoon of baking soda
One tablespoon of 3 percent of hydrogen peroxide
Cotton swaps
Lukewarm water
Juice of half a lemon (optional)


- Mix all the ingredients well.
- Soak the cotton swabs in this solution and apply it on the yellowed nails.

How it works:
Exfoliating and bleaching properties in baking soda help remove the yellowness from the nails.

Tea Tree Oil (With Lavender Oil/Olive Oil)

What all you need:

Tea tree oil
Eye dropper
Lukewarm water
Some Lavender/Olive oil


- Put a drop of the oil mix on your nail bed and let it sit for a few minutes.
- Now with lukewarm water rinse it off and pat dry.

How it works: Tea tree oil has antiseptic and fungicide that cure if the nails have turned yellow due to fungal infections.

Apple Cider Vinegar

What all you need:

Apple cider vinegar
A bowl of lukewarm water.


- Make a solution with apple cider vinegar and lukewarm water.
- Soak your nails in this solution for 20 minutes.
- Dry your nails with a soft towel and apply some hand cream.

How it works: The acetic acid and malic acid in apple cider vinegar reduces the discoloration of nails. It also has antifungal properties that will cure the fungal infections if any.

Denture Cleaning Tablets

What all you need:

Two or three denture cleaning tablets
Lukewarm water

Dissolve the tablets in lukewarm water and soak your fingers in it for fifteen minutes. Pat your nails dry and moisturize.

How it works: Sodium bicarbonate and citric acid in denture cleaning tablets help remove many kinds of stains including the yellowness of nails.

Orange Peels

What all you need:

Some fresh orange peels


- We will tell you the easiest and yet the most effective way of doing it.
- Rub your yellowed nails with fresh peels of orange when you watch your favorite show on Netflix.
- Wash your nails after the show is over – and yeah, that’s about it.

How it works: The rich amount of vitamin C in orange peel helps take the yellow stains out from your nails.
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