5 Female Pirates You Should Be Scared Off

You might not believe this, but having a scary beard is not a requirement for being a Pirate Captain. Because of the resistance to allowing women on board, many female pirates did not identify themselves as such. Anne Bonny, for example, dressed and acted as a man while on Captain Calico Jack's ship.

# Ching Shih

In another part of the sea, Ching Shih was born. Although we don’t have much information about her birth, it is known that she was a prostitute working in Canton. At the age of 26, she was captured by pirates and married Zheng Yi, Commander of the Red Flag Fleet. Zheng Yi died in 1807 and his wife of six years Ching Shih took over leadership.

# Jeanne de Clisson

Unlike the two others, Jeanne was born a couple of hundred years earlier. Estimated 1300. Jeanne was born in a British family and lived in Brittany until she married Oliver III de Clisson. Oliver was a wealthy nobleman. He promised to defend Britain from English claimants. After he lost control over Vannes tried to flee Britain.

# Christina Anna Skytte

Christina yet another wealthy girl with excellent possibilities, turned to piracy. Born in Scandinavia, more precisely Sweden in 1643. Christina may have gotten the idea from her brother Baron Gustav, already very privileged, turned to piracy plundered ships in the Baltic Sea. Now with her fiancé on board, Christina and Gustav Drake participated in the pirate affairs.

#Anne Dieu Le Veut

When Anne challenged the killer of her husband, Laurens de Graaf, he refused t duel a woman, but admiring her spirit, he used the heat of the moment to propose. Perhaps afraid of ending up alone she accepted. They sailed the seas side by side as pirates. They even tried to raid Jamaica in 1693.

# JacquotteDelahaye

In Haiti, little JacquotteDelahaye was born. Jacquotte struggled throughout her childhood. Losing her mother at birth and taking her of her brain-damaged brother is no picnic. On top of that, her father has killed as well. Without money to provide for her brother, Jacquotte was forced to become a pirate.
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