DIY Part 2- Reuse Your Old Saree To Get a Designer Cape

Capes are the latest fasion trend. You can see variety of cape designs in the market. SO I also tried to reuse my old saree and get a cape out of it. It is very to make and you don't event need to do any sewing.

When it comes to outerwear, nothing brings more drama than a cape (though its younger, more laid-back cousin, the poncho, comes close). And while the style set makes them look like a cinch to pull off, we all know there's a serious risk of Count Dracula vibes involved. To that end, we've rounded up photos of 10 women nailing the look to inspire you to try one for yourself.

Go casual, like a simple top and black jeans, to offset the eccentricity of a pink floor-length number.
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