10 Health Benefits of Performing Paschimottasnasan

Paschimottanasana is a sitting forward and bending yoga pose wherein intense stretch is experienced on the waist. Though, to a lot of extent, it comes under advanced yoga, however, after mastering the practice, it become easy to practice and simultaneously heralds numerous health benefits such as burning of belly fat, strengthening the spine, weight loss, etc. Paschimottanasana also comes with some contraindications. Therefore, initially, it should be practiced without taking any extra pressure on body. Since, Paschimottanasana is a Sanskrit name; it is commonly pronounced as (POSH-ee-moh-tan-AHS-anna) wherein paschimottana= intense stretch of the west (pashima west uttana= intense stretch).

# This yoga pose is good for improving the overall health benefits of the spine. If you are comfortable in practicing this seated forward bend yoga, it gives adequate stretch to the entire spinal region as well as the associated nerves.

# It is beneficial for the people who desire to have flat stomach. The practicing of this asana, provides suitable stretch to the belly and also dashed with the legs. Those who perform this pose it on regular basis , experience burning of belly fat too.

# It helps in secretion of gastric juices. The abdominal region gets suitable massage by practicing the pose thereby helpful in secretion of juices and ensure digestion and prevents constipation.

# It helps in the prevention and management of diabetes as the yoga pose gives a massage to the pancreas thus ensures secretion of insulin.

# Since, the pelvic region experiences adequate massage due to the practice of the pose. Thus good to prevent gynecological disorders such as menopause and menstrual discomfort.
Very few yoga poses are beneficial for kidney.

# Paschimottanasana is one of the pose, which shows its impact on the functioning of kidney and liver

# This pose is also known as stress relieving yoga pose because of its coordination between nervous and pranic energies within the body.

# Practice of enhances blood flow to the head region thus good for those who have headache and migraines.

# It is one of the best yoga poses to make your hamstrings strong and solid.

# It helps to enhance your appetite by increasing the efficiency of metabolism.
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